Purpose This report updates the Pension Funds GB >infotype (0071) with thechanged or updated pension details from the following tables:
- Pension Contribution Calculation Rule Bands> table (T5G33)
- Pension Contribution Calculation Rule - Flat Rates> table (T5G34)
- Pension Contribution Calculation Rule - Percentages> table (T5G35)
- Pension Contribution Calculation Rule - Mix> table (T5G36)
The report updates those infotype records where the EE specificrecord indicator> is deselected. The updated information is used for calculating the pensioncontributions for an employee towards various schemes. Note For running the table driven solution usingSolution Change-OverDate (Great Britain) (GBCHG)> feature (GPENS> node 6), you mustrun this report only after selecting the Create new entry only checkbox >in Date Delimitation Only >section. Else the report doesnot perform the batch update successfully.Prerequisites To update the infotype record of an employee with pension details, youmust deselect the EE specific record indicator >in the PensionFunds GB> infotype (0071). You can manually select the indicator for each of those employees forwhom you do not want to update the infotype record. However, you canalso use the Batch Program Upd Infotype 0071- EEspec record maintaienance report (RPPCUPG0_EXP)> to select theindicator in the employee records.Activities On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human Resources> ->Payroll >-> Europe> -> Great Britain> -> Subsequent activities> -> Period-independent >-> Other >-> Update Pens.Contr. with new table entries>. The Batch Update of Infotype 0071 with contribution rates and bandlevels >screen appears. In the Selection >section, enter the employee selection criteria. In the Pension Scheme> section, select the schemes for which thecontribution rates and pension bands are changed. Enter the period for which you want to update the record for aparticular scheme. In the Update Options> section: Select the relevant indicator to update the contribution rates. Select the relevant indicator to update pension band levels. Select Create new entry only checkbox> to run the table drivensolution for the Solution Change-Over Date (Great Britain)>(GBCHG) feature (GPENS node 6). You must not select Update contribution rates >or Update pension band levels>options if you require to select this check box. If you do so, thesystem gives the error message The "Create new entry only " cannotbe selected with update contribution rates or band levels>. Enter a batch session name in the Batch session> field. To execute the report, select Program >-> Execute>. The Batch Update of Infotype 0071 - For records where pensflag notflagged> screen appears. This screen displays: The personnel numbers of employees, who have the EE specific recordindicator> deselected in the infotype record. The old and new rates of percentage contribution of the employee. The old and new band levels. To complete the updating process, on the output screen: Choose Batch input>. The Batch Input: Session Overview> screen appears. Select the batch session that you want to process. Select Session> -> Process Session>. The Process Session >screen appears. In the Processing Mode> section, select Process/foreground>and choose Process> . The Maintain HR Master Data> screen appears. Select Enter> for inserting the values. The Create Pension Funds GB> infotype (0071) screen appears. Save your entries.