The system calculates this on the basis of: Overtime Limit hours Number of overtime hours the employee has worked The system displays the information related to the following periods: 24 hours To generate the data on an employee's normal work hours and overtimehours, the report reads the contract working hours from 7 days The report considers the reference day set in the It reads data from the reference day of the week in which the start dateof the selected period falls. The report generates data for only those7-day intervals that have the end date within the selected period. - Reference day of the week: Tuesday - Weekly Contract hours: 37.5 - Legal limit for normal working hours: 40 - Selected period: 17.03.2004 to 18.03.2004 - Employee has overtime record on 18.03.2004 and 19.03.2004: 2 hours Here, start of the 7-day interval is 16.03.2004, since it is thepreceding Tuesday of the selected period. End of the 7-day interval is 22.03.2004. In this case, the report will not generate any data because the end dateof the 7-day interval does not fall within the selected period. 4 weeks The report generates data for the 4- week intervals that have their enddate within the selection period. It reads data for the three weekspreceding the week that contains the start date of the selected period. - Reference day of the week: Monday - Contract hours: 150 - Legal limit for normal working hours: 160 - Selected period: 14.02.2004 to 18.02.2004 - Employee has the following overtime record: - From 20.01.2004 to 28.01.2004: 3 hours overtime per day Therefore, total overtime, excluding weekends is 21 hours - From 04.02.2004 to 18.02.2004: 2 hours overtime each per day Therefore, total overtime, excluding weekends is 6 hours Here, the start of the 4-week interval is 19.01.2004, since it contains14.02.2004 in the fourth week. The report generates the followingovertime data for the 4-week interval (19.01.2004 to 15.02.2004): - Contract hours: 150 - More time (Hours within legal limit for normal working hours): 10 - Over time hours: 11 The next 4-week interval that contains 18.02.2004 in the fourth week is26.01.2004 to 22.02.2004. The report, however, does not generate datafor this interval because the end date, 22.02.2004, does not fall withinthe selected period. 52 weeks The report generates data for the 52-week intervals that fall within theselected period. Note The number of normal working hours for the different intervals are fixedby the law. However, the legal limit for normal working hours can behigher than the contract working hours agreed upon by the employer andemployee. System considers those working hours that are higher than the legallimit for normal hours as overtime hours. Prerequisites Depending on the nature of an employee's duties, you can choose toexclude the employee's data from overtime reporting. To do so, maintainthe exemption For employees with health related problems, you can maintain theexemption Selection Output The output also consists of an indicator, where: On the output screen, you can also choose Note In case of employees, who are exempt from working overtime due to heathreasons, but have overtime, the report displays an Activities |