Purpose The report allows a synchronization of goods movements for purchaseorders and scheduling agreements. It selects all good receipts forpurchase orders for vendors in SAP Supplier Self-Services> (SRMSUS) according to the selected vendor classes, including associatedcancelations and return deliveries that have not been synchronized withSRM SUS. The selected goods movements are transferred to the respective targetsystem in SRM SUS using STPPOD.Delvry03-IDocs>. If you start the report as a background job, information can be writtento a spool while the report is running. You can only use this report if the summarization function of thepurchase order history records is not active. Note that this report is not suitable for the processing of massmovements. The report is suitable for periodic background processing.The system ensures that only one instance of the report is active in thebackground. The report is not designed to be carried out via batchinput. Synchronization is only possible when table EKBE> (procurementdocument history) is NOT> summarized. Batch input synchronizationis not possible. |