Title Report RPM_FIN02 Purpose You use this report to push financial data from the SAP FI/CO system tothe SAP xRPM system for the xRPM projects mentioned in the selectionscreen. This program makes an RFC call to the xRPM system to obtain thecost object links established for the xRPM project. Based on the links,the financial data is retrieved from the system for the different xRPMvalue types, such as planned cost, actual cost, budget, planned time,actual time, revenues, commitment. The financial data is thentransported to the xRPM system through IDocs. The RPM_FIDATA table isfilled in the IDoc processing. Note: Revenues and commitments are only transferred as a part offinancial upload process if the target system is SAP xRPM of release 4.0and higher. Features Selection Destination system should be the xRPM system.
- Fill in the controlling area for the financial objects of the SAP FI/CO
- Mention the xRPM project ID for which the financial upload needs to be
- Mention the exchange rate date and the type for currency conversion.
- If you want to exclude settlement credits, set the Exclude
settlement credits >indicator.
- You can set the controlling version for the following value types:
Actual (Cost & Revenue), Planned (Cost & Revenue),Budget, >and Commitment.>