Description This program is used to transfer the costs/budgets/plan costs data inthe table COSP, COSS, BPGE and BPJA in the backend SAP CO system to RPMsystem. The transfer is carried out by using the ALE message typeRPMFIF and the IDOC type RPMINTF1. The data is transfered and stored inthe RPM system in condensed form. With the parameter 'Actual Costs/Budgets' set to 'X', only actual costsand budgets will be transfered. If this parameter is initial, othertype of data including plan costs will also be transfered. The testing options allow you to test the transfer using one project/one task. The RPM project ID or project and task ID has to be enteredin this case. Precondition Please maintain the RFC destination and the logical system of the RPMsystem under the same name. Please enter it on the selection screen inthe parameter 'Destination System'. Please also maintain the ALE setting for the message type RPMFIF andthe IDOC type RPMINTF1 between the sender ( backend SAP CO system ) andthe receiver ( RPM system ). The link between the costs objects used in the SAP CO system to collectcosts and the RPM project structure elements has to be maintained inthe RPM systems. |