Purpose This report is used generate an overview of theactivities that are stored in the Eligibility for Permanent Invalidity Benefit (Restrictions) Act> 0764>) infotype.Integration For more information, see the other Eligibility for Permanent InvalidityBenefit (Restrictions) Act reports:
- Eligibility for Permanent Invalidity Benefit (Restrictions) Act
Monitor> (RPLWPMN0>)
- Absence Overview> (RPLWPAN0>)
Prerequisites You have performed the IMG activities under the Eligibility forPermanent Invalidity Benefit (Restrictions) Act> section of the DutchPayroll and have maintained the Eligibility for Permanent InvalidityBenefit (Restrictions) Act> (0764>) infotype.Features Employee Addresses This report executes feature ADDRS> (Define Subtype Sequence forAddress Formatting) when defining addresses. If you do not make any changes tothe feature, the current address is used for the"Eligibility for Permanent Invalidity Benefit (Restrictions) Act"overview. The current address is filled in infotypeAddress> (0006),subtype 1> (Current Address). By changing the feature ADDRS>, you can enter anotheraddress for the Eligibility for Permanent Invalidity Benefit(Restrictions) Act Overview, for example, the address of theemployee's place of employment. This address must, however, be enteredin the field Address>>, for example, subtype x> (x= Address of Place of Employment). In feature ADDRS> you can select the required subtype usingvariable key LWPO>(for report RPLWPON0). If, for example, you choose subtype Address of Place of Employment>, the address of the employee's place of employment is displayed onthe Eligibility for Permanent Invalidity Benefit(Restrictions) Act Overview. For further information, please refer to the IMG step Change Infotype Addresses>.Selection Besides the standard time and personnel selection options, a number ofoptions specific to the Eligibility for Permanent InvalidityBenefit(Restrictions) Act> are available.Output The Eligibility for Permanent Invalidity Benefit (Restrictions) Actoverview> (RPLWPON0)> report gives an overview with allactivities that are performed by employee and employer under the termsof the Eligibility for Permanent Invalidity Benefit (Restrictions)Act> and serve as an aid with (or as an appendix to) the completion ofthe documentation that is required by the UWV (Body implementingemployee insurance schemes). The data is split as follows:
- Personal Data
- Company Data
- Labor Conditions and Absenteeism Monitorig Body Data
- Case Manager Data
- Sickness Data
In this section, the sickness description (e.g. broken arm),as well as the percentage of work incapacity, the start andend dates of the sickness and the processing date are alldislayed by sickness.
- Activities
In this section,the description, the latest date and the processing date,as well as the texts that are created peractivity, are all displayed by activity.