Although the period covered by the report is freely definable, you mustmake sure that at least one pay date falls within the period defined.The report only calculates Workers' Compensation wages and premiums perpay date. In the In the Precondition Output |
531901 | MSC: Conc. Employment activation check in U.S. reports. |
1016779 | Worker's Comp. Report - Incorrect summary report. |
1105451 | WC report: Name & SSN to be included for N. Dakota. |
1081137 | Output duplicated or omitted in Workers Comp. report. |
902167 | U.S. Reports: Runtime errors |
877673 | Workers' Compensation: Clarification of error message |
535464 | WC: Changes to Workers' Compensation Report |
514080 | WC: With WT splits, RPLWCOU0 doubles workers' cmp. amts. |
458499 | WC: Errors in Workers' Compensation Report |
492664 | WC: US Longshore & Harbors Act: Workers' Compensation |
438341 | WC: Wrk. Comp. Report RPLWCOU0: overflow -> short dump. |
449295 | WC: WC reports incorrectly during company code change |
454077 | WC Report rejects employee during company code change |