Description This report creates a list of employees who have the power of attorney. You can carry out the evaluation for any user defined time period. Thestandard system suggests an evaluation using Other period>.Please note, you can only enter data in the field Person selectionperiod> if you have selected Other period>. You determine the employees to be evaluated using Selection>. Youcan enter individual personnel numbers or a range of personnel numbers.You can further delimit the the number of employees who should beevaluated by entering data in the fields Personnel area>,Personnel subarea>, Employee group>, Employee subgroup >, and Organizational unit>. The default value in the field Employment status> means that allemployees are evaluated who have the following employment status:
- 1 = Employee is in the company but has leave of absence
- 2 = Employee is in the company but is a pensioner
- 3 = Employee is active in the company
You can select the type of power of attorney that you want to displayusing Additional data>. For more information on Further selections>, Matchcodes>, Sort>, and Multiple Selection> read the ReportSelection Screen> or The Complex Selections Function in theReport Selection Screen> in the R/3 library under Human Resources-> PA Personnel Management -> PA Personnel Administration -> Proceduresin Personnel Administration -> Master Data and Reporting -> ReportSelection Screen in the HR Management System -> Report Selection Screen-> The Complex Selections Function in the Report Selection Screen>.Output The output results are displayed as a table control. In the standardtable the columns>, Name employee/appl.>, Pers.area>, Cost ctr>, Org. assign.>, Text>, P.ofatt.>, Text>, Org. unit>, Text>, and From>are filled. You can also edit and export the table. To learn how to do this, readPresenting and Using Report Results> in the R/3 library: PAPersonnel Management -> PA Personnel Administration -> Master Data andReporting -> Presenting and Using Report Results>.