Title Defaults for Pay Scale Reclassification Use This report displays the next standard pay scale reclassification forindividual employees. You can use this report to determine whether youhave forgotten to reclassify an employee or to determine when and whois due for a reclassification. Integration If your collective agreement stipulates that an employee is moved intoa different pay scale group or level on reaching a certain age or afterspending a specified period of time in his/her current pay scale groupor level, then you can run the RPLTRF00> Time Spentin Pay Scale Group/Level report to display the current pay scaleclassification of your employees as well as the length of time spent inthe pay scale group or level. If you want the system to automatically reclassify your employees oncethey have reached a certain age or once they have spent a specifiedamount of time in a pay scale group or level, then you can use theRPITUM00> Pay Scale Reclassification According To Ageand/or Time Spent in Pay Scale report to do this.Prerequisites The relevant employees must be assigned to a pay scale structure. Theseemployees cannot be directly valuated nor can they be assigned to a paygrade structure. These employees are in a pay scale grouping that is defined as beingrelevant for automatic reclassification. For more information on how toset up automatic pay scale reclassifications, refer to Pay ScaleChanges in the Compensation Management or Personnel AdministrationImplementation Guide. Features Selection By making entries under Period>, Selection> and Furtherselections>, you can determine which employees' pay scalereclassification is displayed.Output This report displays the names of the employees in a table togetherwith the following data per employee:
- Personnel number
- Social insurance or tax number
- Pay scale type, area, group and level
- Period of current classification
- New pay scale group and level
- Period of new classification
This data is taken from the Basic Pay> infotype (0008). This report only specifies a suggestion for reclassification if thedate of the next standard pay scale reclassification lies within thevalidity period of the corresponding pay scale group or level. You can display an error list> per employee by choosing List =>Display list.