Title Telephone Directory Purpose This report creates different lists of employee telephone numbers:
- internal lists
- external lists
Prerequisites To be able to use the full scope of functions available in this report,communications data must be stored in the following infotypes:
- Addresses> (0006)
- Internal Control> (0032)
- Communication> (0105)
Scope of Functions Selection Under Key date>, you can specify whether the communication datafor the current day, or any other day specified is to be evaluated. You determine the employees to be evaluated using Selection>.Enter the corresponding individual personnel number or range ofpersonnel numbers in the Personnel number> field. If you make anentry in the Employment status> field, you can determine whichtypes of employment status are to be taken into consideration. You can enter additional Selection criteria> and Output data > under Additional data>. You can use the Communication addresses> and Postal code>fields as selection criteria. In the Communication addresses>field, you enter the type of address (for example, fax, telephone,mobile phone number). If you enter a postal code, You can limit thesearch to employee's external numbers by entering a postal code. You mark which type of addresses should be evaluated under Outputdata>:
- External connenctions>
You can limit the evaluation of external data by making entries inSelection criteria>. The system always evaluates all telephonenumbers stored in the Addresses> infotype (0006).
- Extensions>
The system evaluates the telephone numbers stored in the InternalControl> infotype (0032).
- Internal Communications>
The system evaluates all communication numbers stored in theInternal Control> infotype (0032) and the Communication>infotype (0105).
- Only known telephone numbers>
The system evaluates all the telphone numbers stored in theAddresses> infotype (0006) and the Internal Control> (0032)infotype. This option is set as a default in the standard system. Ifyou have selected Internal Communications> then any marking forOnly known telephone numbers > is ignored in the evaluation.
- With pers. number>
Employee's personnel numbers are also displayed in the list output.
- With address>
Employee's addresses are also shown in the output list: internal address The employee's internal addresses (office numbers) are also displayedin list output if you have selected Extensions> or InternalCommunications>. external address Employee's external addresses are displayed in the list output if youhave selected External connections>.