Description This is a report to generate the schedule of monthly tax deductions for1996. Tax rates for Malaysia are defined for three differentcategories. The category 1 is for the people who are single / unmarriedwithout any tax dependants. If there are any tax dependants for thisclass of people, then they will fall under category 3. Category 3 alsoincludes males who are married and their wives are working. Othermarried people whose wives are not working fall under the category 2. The number of dependants is optional to enter on the selection screen.if it is not entered, a table of values for dependants 1 to 10 areshown for each of the earnings ranges. Otherwise, if the number ofdependants is explicitly entered and is less than 10, only that columnis filled with the data. If the numer entered is greater than 10, thenthe first column is filled with the tax rates for the number ofdependants specified. Precondition There is a dynamic call to the tax routine from the table T596F andhence the routine name has to be entered for the module name '$LTAX'.This provision facilitates having time dependant tax calculationroutines. Output The output from this report is the table of tax rates for differentincome ranges under the tax category entered and for the number ofdependants specified on the selection screen. |