Description 1. Report RPLSVPD0 generates a list of privately-insured employees. Ifentries are missing in infotype 0079 for additional health, pension, ornursing insurance, error notes are issued. After calling up the report,you only have to enter the selection key date. The following selectionparameters are provided as standard: HI indicator....... * PI indicator....... * UI indicator....... * NI indicator....... * HI privately insured.. X For privately-insured employees, the indicator PRIVATE is selected onthe list screen. 2. In addition, you can select employees according to the various SVindicators that are defined in table 5D1P. If you enter a * in therelevant parameters, all the available SI indicators are selected. Example: HI indicator....... * PI indicator....... * UI indicator....... * NI indicator...... .5 HI privately-insured.. If you make these entries in the selection screen, all employees thathave private nursing insurance are listed. |