Description The list displays employees that, at the start of the year, areover> the annual income-limit for compulsory> healthinsurance or under> the annual income-limit for health insuranceexemptions> for the past or following year. Persons with errorsin the name format or the work center data are displayed at the end ofthe list. Employees that were employed on the 31.12. of the key year, and whowere involved in at least one payroll run are taken into account. You can use the 'Income-threshold range'> parameter to increaseor reduce the income threshold for test purposes. In this way, compulsorily-insured persons, who are slightly under the income-threshold; and voluntarily-insured persons, who are slightly over the income threshold; are included in the list. You can use the 'Output currency'> field to determine in whichcurrency the amounts in the list should be printed. If you leave thisfield blank, the payroll currency of the key year from table T500C isused for the evaluation. When you select an employee from the basic list using the F2 functionkey, all the individual amounts that the employee received in thespecified key year are displayed in a details list. You can limit the wage types to be used in the detail screen> todetermine the annual remuneration, by maintaining a form indicator.Assign all the wage types to be evaluated in the detail screen to yourform-indicator. Since master data information is accessed here, specifythe User wage types>. The form indicator 'DSVB'> is set inthe standard system. The annual remuneration is determined from the payroll results of theemployee as follows: Actual remuneration> All the wage types listed in table T512E under a form indicator areadded up, using all the calculated periods in the key year. In thestandard system, the form indicator DSVG> is set. At the same time, the total of the SI days is displayed. (The information is read from the RD cluster report in the PCL2 file.) Estimated annual remuneration> The estimated remuneration in a key year is formed from a projection ofthe actual remuneration for 360> SI days. The issued list is merely a proposal list. The administrator mustdecide whether to include the parts of the annual remuneration in thekey year> in the following year> for the regular>remuneration of the employee. A change in insurance status is only taken into account for theemployee, if their income falls short of, or exceeds the annual incomelimit for the key year and> the following year. Note that there is another program to check the insurance status. Thisprogram evaluates the employee master data. Note:> If the employee works in the new federal states, and is insured in awestern health insurance company, the annual income limit in the newfederal states is used. Likewise applies: If the employee works in the old federal states and is insured in aneastern health insurance company, the annual income limit in the oldfederal states is used. This means that the selection of the assessment threshold is decided by the West/East indicator of the personnel subarea. Underestimation:> (in the foreground in layout) This refers to employees that are coded with the health insuranceindicators 1, 2 or 3 (compulsory health insurance) in the socialinsurance infotype when the annual income limit is determined. The relevant column of the basic list is selected to show whether theemployee exceeds the annual income limit in the key year or thefollowing year for their estimated annual remuneration. Overestimation:> (not in the foreground of the layout) This refers to salaried employees that are coded with the healthinsurance indicator 5 (exempt from health insurance) when the annualincome limit is determined in the social insurance infotype. The relevant column in the basic list is selected to show whether theemployee falls short of the annual income limit in the key year or thefollowing year for their estimated annual remuneration. In addition, column V/P displays whether the employee is voluntarily(V) or privately (P) insured.Note The list of affected employees is sorted according to the followingcriteria:
- West/East indicator of the personnel subarea
- Personnel area
- Personnel subarea
- Personnel number