Description Payroll offices must report the start, end, or a change of benefitspayments (company pension) to the relevant health insurance company. This report generates the necessary notifications to the healthinsurance companies if: A retiree receives a company pension for the first time and the healthinsurance company must be informed of the start date, and the amount ofthe pension. A pensioner no longer receives a company pension, and the healthinsurance company must be informed of the end date of the entitlement. The pension changes, and the the health insurance must be informed ofthe change in amount and date of the change. So that the report automatically recognizes the reason for notification, the following prerequisites must be met: For 1. A notification about the start of the benefits payments is generated if the primary SI attribute changes to value 02 (=retiree) (for example, from value 01 = active). For 2. A notification about the end of the benefits payments is generated if the retiree leaves the company (status query). A list can also be displayed, as an overview of the notifications to becreated. It lists the employees, per plant section and health insurancefund, who have a notification change on this month and day. Use the "list L / notification N" parameter on the selection screen toselect one of the two possible individual notifications for the healthinsurance fund (collective list as instructions for the payrolloffice). The "key date" entered in the selection screen, together with the"month evaluation" parameter, control at which time, or in whichperiod, the information is read for each person. If you only enter one key date (standard setting is the current date),only notification changes that come into effect on that day are issued.Also, only the amount assigned on this day is reported. On checkingwhether an amount has been changed, the sum of all benefits paymentsfrom the entire previous month is used. If the monthly evaluation parameter is also selected, all the benefitpayments of the month are added up (incl. one-time payments andrecurring payments and deductions) and reported. For example, if youenter 14.04.1993, and select monthly evaluation, the time period from01.04.1993 to 30.04.1993 is checked for notification status. Using these two procedures, you can select notifications for specificindividuals by specifying the personnel number and evaluation day, or,by choosing the month evaluation, to register the sum of the monthlybenefit payments. If you do not want the name of the payment office to be printed on thenotification (for envelopes that already have the sender's name),select the "do not print sender" parameter. For the sender, the address from table T536A is used, that is providedwith the plant/plant section code (from infotype P0001). If no addressis stored for this key, the relevant area on the notification sheet isleft blank. When printing the notification to the health insurance company, you canuse the "left margin" parameter to vary the width of the left margin (9= maximum possible margin, 0 = no margin). Note that the income-threshold of the health insurance company isspecified as the maximum benefit payment. This means that the benefitamount cannot exceed this specified income-threshold. The following entries from table Tabelle T511K are important payrollconstants: RESET N1 KVBGJ = Income-threshold West KVBOJ = Income-threshold East Since different income-thresholds exist in the old and new federalstates and, as a company can have employees from both East and West,both income-thresholds are read. Therefore, you must maintain bothpayroll constants. The list is sorted according by employee's company and health insurancefund. If the combination of these two dates changes, a new page isissued. The list of employees is sorted according to personnel number. The individual notifications are sent to the health insurance companyin personnel number order. |