SAP Program RPLSUVC0_ELM - AI Wages for ELM

This report determines the AI wages for the uniform wage notificationprocedure (ELM). It arose from the original report HR-CH: AIYear-End Settlement (RPLSUVC0).
You do not usually run the report directly in the dialog, rather usingthe Data Extractor for Uniform Wage NotificationProcedure (ELM) (RPLELMC0) report.
If you want to print the AI year-end settlement on paper, use theoriginal HR-CH: AI Year-End Settlement (RPLSUVC0)report.
In the Data Extractor for Uniform Wage Notification Procedure (ELM)(RPLELMC0) report, you can set theDisplay Selection Screens indicator totest the process flow.

1313276Information for adapting reporting to LDV guidelines