Purpose This report is an enhancement to the existing SPPmonthly insurance events report (RPLSPPS0)>, and it creates the ALECTAreport on white collar employees who are 18 years or older. This is amonthly report generated for reporting employee related events,registered during the reporting period to Alecta. The report obtains therelevant information from Information needed to be reported toAlecta> database table (T5SPP). The report generates information on the following employee relatedevents:
- IN> - Entry to ALECTA ,
If there is any entry to ALECTA, the system reports the IN> event.
- FK -> Organizational Reassignment / Change of company within group
In case of organizational reassignment or change of company within groupdue to which the Organizational number or Cost center (in viewV_T5S0P_ALL) changes, the system reports the FK event.
- LO> - Salary change (positive and negative)
For employees enrolled into ALECTA department 1, the system reports LOevent every month with the monthly actual gross salary (paid). In casewhen there is a Juper change (change in legal entity) due to change inorganizational assignment / change of company with in group for anemployee, two LO events will be reported if the month is same as thereport period. For employees registered with ALECTA Department 2, in case of two ormore salary records within the same month, the system reports the latestsalary For employees registered with ALECTA Department 2, even if the salary ischanged in the middle of the month, the system will report it as if fromthe first day of the month.
- AV> - Termination from Alecta
When you terminate an employee from ALECTA, the system reports the AVevent with the termination date. Note
- You typically generate this report only once in a month, and after the
normal payroll run.
- For an employee hired after the payment date, the report will generate
the employee ALECTA information in the next month.Integration Prerequisites
- Customers newly entering into Alecta need to update a form in the system
with information about all the wage types relevant to Alecta reporting.A model Form ALEC is available that you can copy and update with thewage type information. For more information, refer to the IMG underPayroll Sweden> -> Pensions> -> Alecta >. Note Ensure that you do not include the wage types SPB0 to SPB5 in this form.
- Customers who were previously reporting to Alecta using the SPP
monthly insurance events> report (RPLSPPS0) must note that along withALECTA monthly insurance events >report (RPLSPPS2), Form ALEC isused. Note You must update Swedish org. structure - ALL >table view(V_T5S0P_ALL) with the following: Current identification number to ALECTA under Pension ALECTA Department 1 Pension Plan identifier ALECTA Department 2 Pension Plan identifier
- Before processing this report for the first time, ensure that you have
processed the Conversion Report for Alecta report(RPUSPPS0)>.
- This report is valid for customers who were earlier reporting to Alecta
using the SPP monthly insurance events> report (RPLSPPS0), and forcustomers wishing to recreate Bonus and Compensation values for previousyears from a legacy system.
- You have processed the normal payroll run. Ensure that there are no
master data changes between the periods when the payroll was run and theexecution of the conversion report.
- You must maintain the relevant Date types for Percentage of Absence,
Reason for Leaving and Alternative pension solution at previous employerin Date Types> view (V_T548Y).
- You must maintain the date types in
Sweden functionalitybased customizing entries feature (SFUNC)>. This feature must bemaintained for Functionality Identifier ALEC> andsalaried/white-collar employees. Note that these date types should besame as the date types relevant to Alecta maintained in Date Types > view (V_T548Y). The order of date types in the return value table isimportant. 1st entry => 25% Absence 2nd entry => 50% Absence 3rd entry => 75% Absence 4th entry => Long trm parental leave 5th entry => Leave of absence 6th entry => Retired with pension 7th entry => Alternative pension solution at previous employer
- You must maintain the Percentage of Absence, reported with the IN, FK,
and LO events, in Date Specifications >infotype (0041) with thedate for date type before or in the reporting month. The relevant Date types are: SA (25% Absence) SB (50% Absence) SC (75% Absence) If the absence percentage is not valid anymore, you must remove theentry of the respective date type from the Date Specific> infotype(0041) record. Note that more than one Date type for Absence percentageshould not be present at any given time. This would lead to incorrectreporting of Absence percentage. Also, if you maintain Absence percentage for an employee, the employeeis not fit for work. By default, any employee is fit for work.
- You must maintain the Reason for Leaving which is reported with the AV
event (on termination from ALECTA ) Date Specifications> infotype(0041) with the date type same as the date of termination from ALECTA.The relevant Date types are: SD (Long term parental leave (Valid only for employees enrolled in toALECTA department 2)) SE (Leave of absence) SF (Retired with pension) If none of the above reasons are maintained in Date Specific>infotype (0041) and Sweden functionality based customizing entriesfeature (SFUNC), the system defaults the Reason for Leaving toTermination of Employment.
- You must maintain the relevant Date type in Date Specifications>
infotype (0041) with the same Date type date as the date of entry toALECTA if the employee has had an Alternative pension solution atprevious employer, which is reported with IN event for employeesbelonging to Alecta Department 2. The relevant Date type is SG (Alternative pension solution at previousemployer).Features Selection Standard_variants Output Activities Enter the relevant selection criteria. Payroll Period - Specify the last executed payroll period. Theconversion records then get the last date in the payroll period asreporting date. ALECTA information from current system - You can generate the reportbased on factors such as Organizational number, ALECTA Benefit Plan typeor according to what is customized in a customer specific feature. To report the negative Change in Salary> event, select AnnualSalary Decrease>. Note As per legal changes 01.10.2007, the existing benefit plan SPPP is usedas ALECTA Department 2. Additionally, ALECTA Department 1 (ALE1) iscreated. To generate the report in a test mode, select Test run>. In thiscase, the report will not update the database table SPP informationneeded to be reported to Alecta> (T5SPP). Enter an Address Key> to identify the name of the company thatmust be printed in the header of the TemSe file. You can configure thesame using the table view Addresses> (T536A).