Purpose Social Insurance premium is deducted from employees' payroll (monthlyand Shoyo) and is recorded in each employee's payroll results. Thecompany will receive monthly Payment Notification for Health/PensionInsurance and Child Allowance Contribution, and Payment Notificationfor Nursing Insurance from the Social Insurance Office or HealthInsurance Union. Company must make payments based on these PaymentNotifications. Premium amount listed in the Payment Notification is summarized for theSocial Insurance Office or Health Insurance Union. Thus, you need tosummarize each employee's payroll result to cross-check total premiumdeducted from employees and the amount listed in the PaymentNotification. You use this function to read employees payroll results and output thesummarized premium amount for the Social Insurance Office or HealthInsurance Union of Health/Pension Insurance and Nursing Insurance. Italso calculates and outputs the Child Allowance Contribution. Prerequisites
- You must have properly maintained Employee's insurance monthly
compensation in Employee's Pension> subtype, Social InsuranceBasic Data infotype (0141)>.
- Payroll (monthly and Shoyo) of a month must be completed for all
- This report reads employees' payroll (monthly and Shoyo) results and
summarizes premium amount of Social/Pension Insurance and NursingInsurance for the Social Insurance Office or Health Insurance Union.Premium for Health/Pension Insurance and Nursing Insurance deductedform Shoyo is also read and summarized.
- It picks up employees' Employee's Ins. Monthly Compensation> in
Employee's Pension >subtype of Social Insurance Basic Data(Infotype 0141)> and calculates Child Allowance Contribution amountfor Social Insurance Office or Health Insurance Union.
- It lists summarized premium amount of Social/Pension Insurance and
Nursing Insurance for the Social Insurance Office or Health InsuranceUnion.
- The following selection options are supported:
Month and Year> With this parameter, you can specify to which payroll period premiumpayment check is performed. If you specify 2000 for Year and 05 forMonth, then premium amount of May monthly payroll and Shoyo/NP-Shoyowhose payday is in April in the year 2000 will be displayed for eachSocial Office or Health Insurance Union. Social Ins. Modifier> With this parameter, you can specify to which Social Insurance Officeor Health Insurance Union premium payment check is performed. You enterSocial Insurance Branch Office to specify Social Insurance Office orHealth Insurance Union.