Description This report creates a list concerning the education and training ofyour employees. You can run the evaluation for any user defined time period. Thestandard system suggests an evaluation using Other period>.Please note, you can only make an entry in Person selection period> when you have selected Other period>. You determine the employees to be evaluated under Selection>. Thesystem suggests an evaluation of all employees with the followingstatus in the Employment status> field:
- 1 = Employee is in the company but has leave of absence
- 2 = Employee is in the company but is a pensioner
- 3 = Employee is active in the company
If you do not want to evaluate all employees, you can limit the numberof employees to be evaluated by making entries in the Personnelarea >, Personnel subarea>, Employee group>, Employeesubgroup > and Cost center> fields. You determine the type of education and training that should beevaluated using Additional data>. To do so, you enter numericvalues in the School type>, Certificate>, Education andtraining> and Branch of study> fields. For more information on how to use Further selections >,Matchcodes > and Sort>, refer to the Report SelectionScreen> in the R/3 library under Human Resources -> PA PersonnelManagement -> PA Personnel Administration -> Procedures in PersonnelAdministration -> The Report Selection Screen in the HR ManagementSystem -> Report Selection Screen>.Output The evaluation results are displayed as a table control. The systemdisplays the results in three table formats:
- List>
The list displays the corresponding education and training data forevery employee. The standard output contains entries in the Name >, Educ. est. text>, Institute/location >, Start date >, End date>, Country>, Certificate text>,Duration>, and Description> fields.
- Statistics I>
This table displays the employees grouped according to the type ofschool, certificate, branch of study and training. In the standardsystem the columns Number>, Educ. est. text>,Certificate text>, Text for branch of study>, andEduc./train. text> are filled.
- Statistics II>
This list displays the number of employees who have the same schooleducation and the same certificates. In the standard system thefollowing columns are filled: Number>, Educ. est. text>,and Certificate text>. You can change between the table views by selecting the correspondingList>, Statistics I> or Statistics II> button. You can edit and export the table. To learn how to do this readPresenting and Using Report Results> in the R/3 library: PAPersonnel Management -> PA Personnel Administration -> Master Data andReporting -> Presenting and Using Report Results>.Dependencies The employee's education and training data (school education,professional training, and further training) must be stored in theEducation> infotype (0022).Example You want to determine the number of academic employees in theorganization who have a economics degree.