Title Single personnel register Purpose The program Single personnel register >>(RPLRPSF1) issuesthe electronic version of the register and provides several displayoptions. By law, the employer is obliged to keep a personnel registerfor each establishment and to list in it, by order of hiring, allemployees employed there, with their date of entry and leaving.Prerequisites You must have entered the following infotypes: Actions (0000)> for the statuses of the employee Maintenance dates (0041) >for the dates of entry and leaving of anemployee Status of residence permit (0048)> for work authorization forforeign workers Qualification and INSEE code (0217)> for the qualification of theemployee Others/previous employers(0023)> for the data for the temporaryagency, if a temporary agency is involved Identity (0002)> for the social insurance number. Enter the socialinsurance no. in this infotype; from that moment, this number isdisplayed for information purposes in infotype Social data ( >0064) Addresses (0006)> Target time for work (0007)> and Basic pay (0008)> todetermine the presence time of the employee and the correspondingremuneration Assignment (0001) >or Contract elements (0016)> from wherethe contract and employment type of the employee is issued. You must have set the nature of your contracts in the activityDetermine the type/nature of the contract>.Features Selection Fill in the following fields:
- the display inspection for employees
You may issue the list for persons active at the date of issue of theregister and/or for persons who have left during the five years prior tothe issue date of the register.
- the personnel area and the Siret number for an establishment
- the issue date of the single personnel register
- the list of statuses for which the employee is considered to be present
in the company
- the maintenance date types integrated as the Hiring authorization date
and the Dismissal authorization date Important! If these two dates are not entered into the selection screen, thecorresponding columns are not displayed in the results list.
- Fill in the following field to exclude:
Work contracts actions and reasons that may be excluded from the headcount (ex: the combination 0201 corresponds to the action 02, reason 01 - byentering "02" to "0299", you exclude action 02 and all the correspondingreasons).
- Other entries are obligatory for certain employee categories:
the temporary status code (IT0000-stat2), the type (IT0048-astat) of infotype 0048 corresponding to the permitproviding work authorization for foreign workers. If you mark Display history >> for the employee, the systemdisplays the five years prior to the date of issue. This option does nottake into account the actions/reasons combinations excluded. To obtain the list of initial data for the employee, i.e. the dataentered at the hiring date, mark Use the contractual data valid atthe hiring date>; in other cases, the system uses the end date of theaction or the date of issue.Output The following information appears on the list issued by the program: : SIREN and NIC Name and surname Nationality Date of birth Sex Position Qualification Hiring date Date of hiring authorization Date of leaving Date of dismissal authorization Contract type Part time, in the event of a part-time employee Existence of a certificate providing authorization to work and a workauthorization number, in the event of a foreign worker Coordinates for the temporary agency (case of temporary workers) Note: A person who has left and returned the following day to the sameestablishment is not subject to a leaving action. However, a person who has left the establishment several times (withoutreturning the following day) appears several times in the list ofdepartures. A list of error messages is displayed using the corresponding buttonthat can be accessed from the list of results.