Purpose You can use this program to print forms 318.750 Maternity PayRegistration> and 318.751 Supplementary Sheet for Maternity PayRegistration>. To validate the entitlement to maternity pay, the employer must certifythe duration of the work agreement, the wage relevant for calculatingthe pay and the paid wage during the daily allowance in these forms. Form 318.750 is filled both by the person entitled and the current, ormost recent, employer. In the printed out form, only fields (apart fromthe employee's name) in the section to be completed by the employer arefilled. Form 318.751 is used if the employee has other employers and theemployee requests that the other employers fill out this form.Prerequisites In the Swiss Payroll> Implementation Guide, you have made thesettings under Statements --> Register for Maternity Pay>.Features
- For each record of the Maternity Pay> infotype (0977) that meets
the selection criteria, a form is created.
- The data for the form is determined from the Maternity Pay>
infotype and from the Payroll Unit AHV/ALV > (Employer's PayrollNumber, Contact Person Data) data that is valid at the end of the dataselection period. The data can optionally be enhanced with a customerenhancement or overwritten.Selection
- In addition to the standard selection options, you can use the
Payroll Unit AHV/ALV> parameter to further restrict the persons orinfotype records to take into account. Then, only the infotype recordsof those persons that belong to the validity end date of the dataselection period of the selected payroll unit AHV/ALV are taken intoaccount.
- You use the Output Language> parameter to choose whether the forms
are printed in the logon language, or (where possible) in the employee'slanguage of communication according to the Personal Data> infotype(0002).
- You can use the Print Date> parameter to optionally specify a date
to be printed next to the field for the employer's signature on theform.Output The forms used for output depend on the Customizing of the logical form'HR_CH_RMC_01' (Register for Maternity Pay) or 'HR_CH_RMC_02'(Supplementary Sheet for Registration). If you use the standardsettings, two SAPscript forms with the same name are issued. In theMaternity Pay> infotype (0977), you determine which of the twoforms are created for the respective infotype record. If you run the program in the background, the user's settings are usedfor the print output.Note Alternatively, you can also print an individual form in the logonlanguage directly from the HR master data maintenance of the MaternityPay infotype (0977).