Title Withholding Tax Statement with Annual Values (St. Gallen) Purpose Use report RPLQSTC2 to create Swiss Withholding Tax statements (Form.51.1.22). This statement is required by the canton of St Gallen for allemployees liable to withholding tax. Integration The report evaluates payroll tables RT and ST of cluster RC andinfotype records, and then formats this data for the form. Prerequisites You have processed the Reporting> activity underPayroll: Switzerland>, Withholding Tax> in the IMG. Ensure that the AHV number has been stored for all those employeessubject to withholding tax in the Social Insurance DataSwitzerland> infotype (0036).Output
- Tax-liable person: The fields are filled by specifications in infotype
records 0002 Personal Data> and 0006 Addresses>.
- Pay scale type: This is read from table ST. This pay scale
specification determines whether the employee is liable to pay churchtax.
- Withholding tax deduction: The user-defined benefit field is filled
with the cumulated amount of the wage types assigned to cumulation wagetypes BETR> and ZULA>.
- Activity/function: The assignment to an activity/function takes place
according to the tax-liability and pay scale from table ST.
- Company data: This data is read from view V_T536A Display Addresses
>. Print formatting takes place in the printer to ensure good performance,which means that output can depend on the printer you use. For bestresults, use a Postscript, HP Laserjet, or compatible printer.