Title Canton Waadt: Attestation d'Impôt à la Source (report RPLQSTC1) Purpose Use report RPLQSTC1 to create the Attestation d'Impôt à la Source > statement. This statement is required by the Waadt tax office foremployees who are liable to withholding tax.Integration The report evaluates payroll tables RT and ST of cluster RC andinfotype records, and then formats this data for the form. The Maintain Cumulation Wage Types> IMG stepenables you to determine which wage type is assigned to which column. Acolumn in the withholding tax statement is represented technically by acumulation wage type.Prerequisites Before running the report, you have processed theReporting> activity under Payroll: Switzerland> in the IMG. Ensure that the AHV number has been stored in the Social InsuranceData Switzerland> infotype (0036) for all employees subject towithholding tax.Features Output Table '1. Salaire':
- Column A ('Salaire brut'): Amount of wage types assigned to cumulation
wage type LOHN>.
- Column B ('Autres'): Amount of wage types assigned to cumulation wage
type ZULA>.
- Column 'Retenues': Amount of wage types assigned to cumulation wage
type BETR>.
- The 'Code' and 'Enfant' columns are filled with the pay scale entry in
payroll table ST. If no pay scale is specified, the 'Enfant' column isfilled with the number of wage types assigned to cumulation wage typeKIND>.