Title Purpose Integration Prerequisites Selection Output |
1661000 | QST VD: EMP-ACI: Anzahl zulageberechtigter Kinder |
1634884 | WHT VD:EMP ACI: Start date of notif. incorr/gross negative |
1618194 | WhTx: Output of cantonal withholding tax scale code in payr. |
1031994 | QST VD:EMP ACI: Several corrections |
1603922 | WHT accntng: Runtime err 'SUM_OVERFLOW', fld 'QSPRO_MON_DEC' |
1617886 | WHT VD/GE(ISEL): Invalid value for date of birth in XML |
1615905 | Short text missing for error messages 5C 258 and 5C 259 |
1610664 | Wthldg tx VD: LR error, change of child benefit to tng bonus |
1610858 | WHT VD: EMP-ACI: New event "Veuvage" |
1610854 | WHT VD: EMP-ACI: Productive notification despite error |
1605572 | WHT VD: EMP-ACI: Municipality number missing in XML file |
1591911 | WHT: Canton of Vaud, duplicate data records for one person |
1590011 | QST VD: EMP ACI: Field "montantCommission" in LC invalid |
1583383 | Withhold. tax: Control for output of canton of place of work |
1572850 | Withholding tax accounting: Printing work center canton |
1572660 | WHT VD: MP ACI: "NoSequenceDecompte" XML field is incorrect |
1572654 | Withholding tax Vaud: EMP ACI:Error in namespace of XML file |
1517389 | Advance notice of fiscal year change 2010/2011 Switzerland |
1511697 | Withholding tax for Vaud EMP-ACI: Certification complete |
1525946 | Fiscal yr chg 2010/2011: Withholding tax acctg for canton BS |
1484263 | QST: Delivery canton of Vaud EMP-ACI |
1445231 | Advance notice: Withholding tax for canton of Vaud - EMP-ACI |
1429199 | ISEL: New cumultn wage types for gross and non-perdc pyments |
1238107 | New AHV no: Customizing adjustment for WT accounting for BL |
1234939 | New AHV no.: new AHV no. in WHT accounting and Zurich rule |
1173058 | WHT VD (EMP-IS): Social insurance number in XML file |
1151730 | New AHV number: WHT accounting with date of birth |
1135612 | Advance notice: Changes for "New AHV Number" |
1106625 | WHT: New report/Customizing for cross-border employee France |
1093585 | QST VD(EMP-IS):Withholding tax calc. - poor performance |
1058951 | WTax VD(EMP-IS): Employee tax ref no. missing from XML file |
1077991 | WTxa VD(EMP-IS):Error if WTax amount/percent without rate |
1028212 | WHT VD: Electronic communication with tax office (EMP-IS) |
209937 | HR-CH:W/tax accnting shows incorrect tax liability |