Description This report creates the Withholding Tax Statements for Genf >. AATTESTATION-QUITTANCE> form is created for each person who isliable to pay withholding tax, for whom payroll has been run withingthe evaluation period. This notification is the official confirmationof the withholding tax deducted by the employer for the Genf taxauthorities. The form has been written in SAPSCRIPT. The official formfor the canton Genf was used as a template. Note:> For other cantons, you can document the withholding taxusing the official earnings statement form. If this changes in thefuture, other cantonal forms will be integrated into this report. Asthese statements are created in SAPSCRIPT, it is possible to createyour own forms. Enter the corresponding form names in the WithholdingTax Calculation table. For more information on these forms, see thestructure HRCHQSB.Precondition You must enter the name of the form in the Withholding Tax Calculationtable. Carry out customizing under HR Administration -> Payroll Data ->Tax -> Withholding Tax -> Maintain Withholding Tax Calculation. Enter the name of the form for the corresponding canton in theWithholding Tax Statement Form field. (Standard form for the canton Genf: HR_CH_QSB_GE). Output You receive a standard triplicate form: 1 copy for the employee 1 copy for the employer 1 copy for the cantonal tax authorities. Sorting the forms: - Form - Canton - AHV number - Person - Personnel number - Employment period |