Title Pension Fund Universal Evaluation (Report RPLPKSC0>)Purpose This report enables you to create universal evaluations for the SAP HRpension fund module. The actual calculation is carried out by the PCinterpreter. The results are assigned to display structure fields usingCustomizing settings. Prerequisites You have made the Customizing settings in the Pension Fund> IMG,in the Reporting> chapter. Variants must be created for the PC schemas, with which the reportPF Functions> can be called up from the PFadministration interface.Features
- Calculation per fund and selected personnel number>
Requirement: The personnel number must be assigned to one of thespecified funds in the data selection period. That is, it must have aBasic Data PF> (0278) infotype record.
- List output according to SAP standard with diverse additional
- SAPscript output, if defined in Customizing (see below)>
- Creation of a Batch Input session>
Requirement: The PC schema must be selected in the settingMaintain Settings for PC Schemas> as Batch Inputrelevant.
- Additional entry parameter for simulations>
See setting Maintain PC Schemas>.
- Saving of evaluation results>
Evaluation results can be saved in a temporary file (TemSe) anduploaded later without the need to reselect or recalculate, (seesaved evaluation results> (Shift F9) in the administrationinterface). For example, if you want to carry out a report in the background, theresults are subsequently available to you online (for example, for anexport).
- SAPscript archiving>
If you have made the necessary Customizing settings in the IMG sectionReporting> -> Basic Objects for SAPscript Evaluations> ->Define PC Output Order>, you can archive the universalevaluations. You can display them in the pension fund infotypes, underExtras> -> Display Specific Orig.> or Display AllOriginals>.
- Entry and administration of an additional address>
If necessary, this address can be used in a SAPscript form. The addressfields are hidden, if the specified output sequence does notspecifically support an additional address (seeMaintain SAPscript forms>).Selection The selection occurs with the logical database parameter PNP (forexample, time period, personnel number, organizational assignmentdata). In the Fund> field, you can limit processing to a partialquantity of the funds defined in the system (normally one fund), perselection option. Thereference date> controls the PC interpreter selections andcalculations according to the respective processing schedule. It mustbe within the data selection period.Output If the option direct SAPscript output> is not selected, theoutput occurs in a list display in accordance with SAP standard. Here,the following functions are available:
- Export to Office products
- Create totals for individual fields
- Sorting
- Subtotal levels
- Filtering
- Hiding of fields
The settings carried out here can be saved in display variants>and re-used at a later time. These display variants are PC schemaspecific. You can print this list (or a SAPscript output - if defined) with thefunction Print> (Ctrl P). If you wish to start the report and get a SAPscript output in thebackground, choose the option direct SAPscript output> on theselection screen, and specify an output sequence compatible with the PCschema. Depending on the Customizing settings, the Test Mode> checkbox isselected as default. You should first run critical evaluations, forexample postings, in test mode. If you select the SAPscript Archiving> checkbox, the evaluationis archived. You can acess archived evaluations in the pension fundinfotypes using the menu (see above).