SAP Program RPLPFLC1 - HR-Switzerland: Wage Type Liabilities Tax

This report creates a list of wage types that are relevant forwithholding tax / wage statement.
The following are displayed:

  • Wage type

  • Wage type text

  • Cumulations for

  • /101 Gross
    /108 W/h tax basis (less than one month)
    /109 W/h tax basis (fixed)
    /118 W/h tax basis (less than one month, Geneva)
    /119 W/h tax basis (fixed, Geneva)
    /128 W/h tax reduction (less than one month)
    /129 W/h tax reduction (fixed)
    • Wage statement assignment (evaluation class 05)

    • +/- sign change (evaluation class 62)

    • Supplement gross wage (evaluation class 63)

    • Wage statement assignment text
    • Output
      The system displays a list that you can sort according to the followingcriteria: Wage type / Wage type text / Assignment for the wagestatement.