SAP Program RPLPENG0_LGPS_DET - LGPS Pension Details

This report displays the LGPS contribution details for selected LGPSschemes. You also have the option to display the changed contributionrates if the employee has changed the contribution rate towards aparticular scheme. The report reads the payroll results to display theLGPS Pension details.

On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human Resources -> Payroll ->Europe -> Great Britain -> Subsequent Activities -> Per payroll period -> Reporting - >Local Authority ->LGPS Pension details.
The LGPS Pension Details selection screen appears.
In the Selection section, enter the employee selection criteria.
In the Pension Scheme section, select the schemes for which youwant the system to display the details.
Enter the period for which you want to update the record for aparticular scheme.
In the Processing Options section:
Select Contribution Rate Changes, to display the PersonnelNumbers for which the contribution rates have changed.
Select Contributions, to display the contribution details forselected Personnel Numbers and LGPS Pension schemes.
Select the relevant values in the ContributionTotalling section.
In the Input Options section:
Select Input from TemSe to run this report for TemSe files thatyou have previously created.
Specify the relevant file in Contribution Rate Changes andContributions fields.
In the Output Options section:
Choose ALV Output to view the data in ABAP List Viewer format. You canuse the ALV Output options (Contribution Rate Changes andContributions) to choose your preferred display format for theALV output list, for example, the order of columns in the list andpredefined sort criteria or filter conditions.
You must have previously set your own display variants to select in theALV Output options.
Select the TemSe Output to view the data as Temporary Sequential(TemSe) files.
To execute the report, select Program -> Execute.
The LGPS Pension Details output screen appears.
On this screen the system displays the process stastistics. Here, youalso have the following options:
System displays this option if you have selected Contributions inthe Processing Options section on the selection screen. Selectthis option to display the contribution details for selected PersonnelNumbers and LGPS Pension schemes.
Rate Changes
System displays this option if you have selected ContributionRate Changes in the Processing Options section on theselection screen. Select this option to display the details of PersonnelNumbers for which the contribution rates have changed.
In case you have selected both the options in Processing Outputsection on the selection screen, the system first displaysContribution Rate Change details. You must then select Enterto display the Contribution details.