Purpose The program is used by the SAP/ADP-GSI payroll interface. It serves toinsert data from the TEDC file into the exchange tables of thecollective data. Features This program links the ADP PAC to the corresponding payroll areas at SAPin table T5F67. The program uses an UPLOAD function to load the data produced from theTEDC file in the corresponding tables The following tables are concerned:
- T5F68 (TOT = Table of Tables),
- T5F69 (DOT = Description of Tables),
- T5F6A (V = Values),
- T5F6T (Table containing the possible values of the PAC).
If there is a "TOT" recording in the table T5F68 corresponding to therecording in the TEDC file, the program deletes it and replaces it bythe data from the file. If there is a "DOT" recording in table T5F69 corresponding to therecording in the TEDC file, the program deletes it and replaces it bythe data from the file. If there is a "V" recording in the T5F5A table corresponding to therecording in the TEDC file, the program deletes it and replaces it bythe data from the file.Integration In a subsequent phase, the collective tables are used by the managementprogram for the reference values (RPTEDCFI) >, which are used to display or update these tables.Activities Indicate the name of the TEDC file that you are using in the selectionscreen of the programme.