Title Display NI payroll results (RPLNICG0) Purpose This report enables you to display the contents of National Insurancepayroll results for a group of employees via an SAP List Viewer (ALV)list. If you would like to run this program for a large number of employeesand check the results, it could exceed your online run time. In thiscase, you may wish to run the program in batch mode and generate TemSefiles. These files can be read at any later point in time and displayedin the ALV format. You can generate reports based information from the following NI tables(which are generated from running payroll results): National Insurance Contributions> (NIC) Cumulative NI Contributions> (CNIC) Niable Pay> (NIPAY) NI and Rebate Arrears> (NIRA) RESET N1 The report calculates the amount for the Contracted Out earnings for thetables National Insurance Contributions> (NIC) and CumulativeNI Contributions> (CNIC) for relevant National Insurance categories.The calculated earnings will be output together with the NI results forNIC/CNIC. Report RPLNICG0 can be run for multiple payroll areas with the sameperiod modifier. For more details, see Activities>, below.Integration The following standard employee information will be output with thepayroll data: Last and First name of employee General List output header To output the relevant information only use the ALV layouts. Features Selection The following payroll data will be selected by the report: For the option National Insurance Contributions> (NIC), the reportoutputs the NIC payroll results for the entered payroll period>and entered payroll area>. Additionally, the report calculates theContracted Out earnings> for relevant NI categories>. For the option Cumulative NI Contributions> (CNIC), the reportoutputs the last CNIC payroll results for the tax year until the enteredpayroll period> is and the payroll area>. Additionally thereport calculates the Cumulative Contracted Out earnings> forrelevant NI categories>. For the option Niable Pay> (NIPAY), the report outputs the NIPAYpayroll results for the entered payroll period> and enteredpayroll area>. For the option NI and Rebate Arrears> (NIRA), the report outputsthe NIRA payroll results for the entered payroll period> andentered payroll area>. RESET N1 All payroll results correspond to the report Display Cluster RG(Payroll Results for Great Britain)> (RPCLSTRG). Note:> This report does not recognise changes between taxreferences.Activities In the Payroll period> section, enter the relevant Payrollperiod> and Payroll area> for determining time period. Note 1: If you only maintain the payroll area field in this section (andnot the payroll area field in the Selection >section), the reportwill be run for all >payroll areas with the same period modifieras the payroll area you select in this section. This holds true whereyou do NOT select any other selection criteria in the Selection>section. In the Selection >section, choose the relevant person selectioncriteria. Note 2: If you wish to specify the exact payroll areas to be included inthe report run, you must specify these in the Payroll area >fieldin THIS section. If you do not maintain the Payroll area >field inthis section, the payroll areas selected for the report will bedetermined as in Note1, above. In the Output results> section, you can enter your ALV Listvariant> for the following payroll results: National Insurance Contributions (NIC) Cumulative NI Contributions (CNIC) Niable Pay (NIPAY) NI and Rebate Arrears (NIRA) SAP delivers following standard SAP List Viewer layouts : 08_SAPLNIC> for National Insurance Contributions> (NIC) 08_SAPLCNIC> for Cumulative NI Contributions> (CNIC) 08_SAPLNIPAY> for Niable Pay> (NIPAY) 08_SAPLNIRA> for NI and Rebate Arrears> (NIRA) In the NIC/CNIC Output options> section, you can choose betweenthe following output options: All entries > Set the indicator in this field to output all entries for NIC/CNICpayroll results. The output displays all entries from the payrollresults as in the Display Cluster RG (RPCLSTRG). Adjustments only> Set the indicator in this field if you only want the output NIC/CNICAdjustment entries made in NI contributions. Adjustments included> Set the indicator in this field if you want the report to cumulate thecumulative adjusted values for inclusion (as in the End-of-Yearprocessing) In the External data source (via TemSe)> section, you can use theoption to store the output data in TemSe files. To do so, you can choosebetween the following output options: Store data to TemSe files> Set the indicator in this field to store the NI payroll results(NIC/CNIC/NIRA/NIPAY) to a TemSe file. For more detailed information,see the documentation to the NI payroll results -TemSe Storage> Get data from external source> Set the indicator in this field if you want to read the NI payrollresults from the TemSe file entered in the field Data source (viaTemSe).> For more detailed information, see thedocumentation to the NI payroll results - Get data from external source > Choose Execute> The screen HR-GB: Display NI payroll results> appears To view the payroll results, choose one of the folowing options: NIC results - >to view the National Insurance Contributions>(NIC) CNIC results -> to view the Cumulative NI Contributions>(CNIC) NIRA results -> to view the NI and Rebate Arrears> (NIRA) NIPAY results -> to view the Niable Pay> (NIPAY) You can find information and error messages under menu item Extras >:
- Warning list: C>hoose this menu item to view the warning and
information messages for all processed employees.
- Error list: C>hoose this menu item, to view the error messages
for those employees whose payroll results are not correct.