Description This report creates a date list which shows employees' entry dates and,if necessary, leaving dates. You can run the evaluation for any user defined time period. The systemsuggests a key date evaluation for the current day. Please note that anentry in Person selection period> is only possible when you haveselected Other period>. You select the employees to be evaluated under Selection>. Enterthe relevant personnel number or personnel number range in thePersonnel number> field. In addition, you can define theevaluation by making entries in the Type of personnel action>,Employment status>, Personnel area>, Personnel subarea >, Employee group>, Employee subgroup> fields. You can search for employees using personal data under Report-specific selections>. The following fields are available for this:Last name>, Name at birth>, First name>, andNationality>. You can use *> for a generic search in these fields (for exampleM*>). If you make the relevant specifications in the New employees inperiod> field you can run a special evaluation only for newemployees. The system can also evaluate employees on a gender specificor a non gender-specific basis. The systems suggests an evaluation forboth genders. You can set the Cost center text required> indicator underList format>. The cost center text is displayed in the list aswell if the indicator is set. Please note that it is only possible todisplay the cost center text when you have selected Cost center>as a sort key under Sort>. For more information on how to use Further selections >,Matchcodes> and Sort> refer in the R/3 library underHuman Resources -> PA Personnel Management -> PA PersonnelAdministration -> Procedures in Personnel Administration -> Master Dataand Reporting -> Report Selection Screen in the HR Management System ->Report Selection Screen>.Output The evaluation results are displayed as a table control. The columnsCoCde>, Pers.area>, CostCntr>,>,PersIDNo>, and Name> are filled in the standard system. The evaluation period is displayed above the table. The number ofevaluated employees and cost centers are displayed below the table. You can also export and edit the table. To find out how you do thisread Presenting and Using Report Results> in the R/3 libraryunder PA Personnel Management -> PA Personnel Administration ->Master Data and Reporting -> Presenting and Using Report Results>.Dependencies The system evaluates a change in employment status and a change oflegal person as an entry. The last entry in the date selection periodis issued. The system only displays people leave that leave if they arestored in the system. The employees' personal data must be entered inPersonal Data> infotype (0002). Employees who enter are stored inthe Actions> infotype. |