Title Multiple Employment Tax and NI Check Purpose Check the consistency of Tax and NI data held against employees thatare linked in the system via the Reference Personnel infotype (0031). The Tax Details infotype is checked that the Tax Code is the same forALL employments and issues a warning if the code is NT (i.e. oldBespoke ME solution). The NI Details infotype (0069) is checked that the NI Category is notinitial for ANY employment and issues a warning if the category is X(i.e. old Bespoke ME solution). The Payroll Priority infotype (0121) is checked that the PERSON hasonly and only one primary contract at any one time. The Organisational Assignment infotype (0001) is checked so that if thePERSON has many different Payroll Accounting Areas that they are forthe same Tax District (T5G51). Prerequisites The employees MUST be linked via IT0031 and the ME Go Live Date (08MEL)MUST be before the interrogation period selected in the reportselection screen. Features Output All the linked personnel numbers are shown for the splits in MasterData that occur in 0000, 0001, 0065, 0069 and 0121. These are differentcolours depending on their employee status (P0000-STAT2). Blue,,,,Not Active Green ,,Active Yellow ,,Terminated If the personnel number is the primary then the number is in BOLD. The Push Buttons on the report (ALV) allow the user to show/hide thefollowing fields; ,,Employee Status ,,Primary Indicator ,,Tax Code ,,NI Category ,,Tax District |