Purpose You can create statistics about the level of salary and bonus paymentswith this program including the industry in which your company isactive. Employers, who belong to the SWISSMEM association, are obliged togenerate statistics annually and submit wage data about their employees,as well as data about their age, basic pay and bonus payments and theirassignment to an activity group. Using this data, comparable reports are created, which showrelationships between the activity, payment and age of the employees. Prerequisites The settings have been made under Reporting and Statistics> ->Salary Comparisons>in the IMG for Payroll Switzerland>.Features The program determines the monthly salary, the thirteenth monthly wageand the potential bonus payments in the current year for each personwith their Function Number>.
- Monthly Salary
The monthly salary is determined using the infotype record BasicPayments> (0008) valid for the key date, if necessary, taking intoconsideration an indirect evaluation. The salary determined isprojected to 100% in accordance with the capacity utilization level ormultiplied by the number of standard hours (selection parameter).
- 13th Monthly Wage
To determine the entitlement to the 13th monthly wage, theGrouping for Year-End Bonus> (CHJZU) feature is firstevaluated. The Controlling Year-End Bonus (13th wage)> (T5C3H)table is evaluated with this result and with each parameter specifiedon the selection screen. Each entry determined by the system means that an entitlement toa 13th monthly wage exists for the key date, regardless of whether thisis actually paid out due to other rules.
- Bonus Payments
The payroll results in the evaluation period are read using the wagetypes entered on the selection screen and bonus payments are calculatedas the total of the amounts in these wage types. For function numbers that describe sales activities, the bonus paymentsare determined from the year before the evaluation period. If there areno payroll results in the previous year, no bonus payments arecalculated. You can edit the list created by the program directly as a text file inthe form of a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel. Create a separate filewith the company number as the file name for each company numberassigned to you.Selection Before you can execute the program, you must define different selectioncriteria in the selection screen of the program (see Activities>).Output The program displays the statistics in the form of a table with thefollowing data:
- Company Number (as assigned by SWISSMEM)
- Function Number
- Code Age
- Code Salary
- Year
- Salary
- Bonus
Each line of the statistics contains an entry per employed person. The Code Age> field is always filled with 2>, since thesalary is always entered as the annual salary. The monthly salary ismultiplied by 12 plus the number of 13th monthly wages.Activities Store the following specifications on the selection screen before youexecute the program: Determine a key date on which the statistics are to be created. Select the desired personnel numbers, which are to be included in thestatistics. Choose an industry code if necessary. The industry code of SWISSMEM is offered as a default value in the SAPstandard system. Select a payroll unit ASM, provided that you want to restrict theevaluation to certain person groupings. Determine the Parameter 13th Monthly Wage>, with which values thepayroll function CHDR (Switzerland: Calculation of Year-EndBonus>) is called. The parameter is specified with the default values L13> andL1>. Enter the number of working hours, on which basis the monthly wage of anhourly wage earner is to be calculated. The number is specified with the default value 173,00>. Choose the relevant wage types to determine the annual salary orbonuses.