Description With report RPLLAWC0, you create wage statements for employees subjectto tax. The wage statement is valid everywhere in Switzerland. In addition, itcan be used as a withholding tax statement except in the cantons ofGeneva, St. Gallen und Waadt, which require additional statements. Theycan be created with reports RPLQSFC0> (Geneva),RPLQSTC1> (Waadt) and RPLQSTC2>(St. Gallen). Instructions for creating the wage statement 'Explanatory Comments onthe Wage Statement Form' are published by the Federal TaxAdministration [Eidgenössische Steuerverwaltung], Direct Federal Taxes,3003 Bern, Tel. 031/3227418 or 031/3227411. In the followingexplanation, the abbreviation MN (margin number) is used to refer tothe 1995 edition of this document.Function This program evaluates the payroll results of the selected employees byassigning the wage types to the wage statement fields and then addingthem up. Data origin
- Remarks
The report automatically generates the required remarks for withholdingtax (MN 62a) and for family-related bonuses in the canton of Geneva (MN29). If an employee's capacity utilization level (IT0007) is less than 100%or if an employee falls into the category of temporary personnel, anappropriate remark is generated (MN 15). Additionally, you can store remarks for employee groups by usingPayroll Unit LAW> and for individual employees inthe Fiscal Data CH infotype (0038).
- Length of employment
Up to three periods can be output as the length of employment (MN 14). Several employment periods occur if the employee enters and leaves orretires. Separate employment periods are shown if the employee'scapacity utilization level changes or if an employee becomes a memberof temporary personnel. If this results in more than three employment periods, the largestpossible interrelated periods are formed preliminarily. Therefore, noemployment period change is indicated in this case. If more than three employment periods still exist, the start date ofthe third period together with the end date and work location of thelast period are indicated as the last period.
- Checkboxes / work location
The field '4t' 'company car' is filled if an appropriate entry has beenmade for the employee in the 'car regulation' field of the 'companycar' infotype record (0032). The system reads data from the 'Fiscal Data CH' infotype (0038) for thefollowing fields: work location>,'4v' non-lump sum remuneration> (MN 54) and 'specialbenefits' ('5w' work route> (MN 58),'5x' meals> (MN 59), '5y' canteen > (MN 60), '5z' equities> (MN 61)). You can store data on the fields 'work location' and 'special benefits'and for the payroll unit LAW> for employee groups. By entering data in the 'Fiscal Data CH' infotype (0038) you canoverride the payroll unit specifications for each employee.
- Employee's name and address
The name is taken from the 'Personal Data' infotype (0002) at the endof the calculation period. First name, last name and maiden name arespecified for married women (MN 16). The field 'name at birth' isprovided for this entry. The address is taken from subtype 1 (permanentresidence) of infotype 0006 (Addresses) at the end of the calculationperiod.
- Multiple wage statements for one person
If one person has several personnel numbers (especially in the case ofconcurrent employment ME), more than one wage statement is printed. Ifyou want to sort by AHV number, 'Page x of y' is output above thepersonnel number (to the left of the AHV number). This requires theexistence of a complete AHV number (including check digit).
- Data selection period
The wage statement can be created for a two-year period except in thecantons of Basel-Stadt, Geneva, Jura, Neuenburg, Solothurn und Zurichwhere a wage statement must be created annually (MN 9).
- Retroactive accounting parameter F/FO/FR/I>:
The inflow principle generally applies to taxes. In other words, taxesare levied in the same year that payments were effected. This is implemented with VERSION I. If you use one of the other versions, delays may occur between the twoyears of an assessment period.
- Canton, legal person, employee group:
These selections affect payroll data. That is, payroll data is onlyselected and displayed on the wage statement if it originates from theperiod in which the selection is valid (as opposed to the pushbutton'further selections'.)
- Sort
The system supports the following parameters: AB Department AH AHV number AK Payroll area BT Personnel subarea BU Company code JU Legal person KA Canton KS Cost center NV Last name, first name PG Person group WE Personnel area Z1 Paying office 1 Z2 Paying office 2 Z3 Paying office 3 AE Contact person for payroll unit PA Payroll administrator (infotype 0001) PZ Time recording administrator (infotype 0001) PP HR administrator (infotype 0001)
- Temporary file:
The report enables you to create a temporary file. This is an advantage if the wage statements for employees and for taxoffices must be created using different sort criteria. You save runtime by creating a temporary file once with this report andthen outputting it twice with different sort criteria by running reportRPLLAWC1>.
- Output language:
Using the output language, you control the language of the remarks thatappear on the wage statement. If you want a form background, the system supplies it in threelanguages, irrespective of the chosen language.
- Date created:
If you want your wage statements to include a date other than theactual date the wage statement was created, enter that date here.
- Copy
- Form:
You can choose from the following forms: HR_CH_LAW_Q: Landscape form without background HR_CH_LAW_Q_H: Landscape form with background HR_CH_LAW_H: Portrait form without background HR_CH_LAW_H_H: Portrait form with background The landscape forms provide more space for the company location and forremarks. The portrait forms are suitable for envelopes with a window. The forms with a background are best prepared by a postscript printer.Good results are also achieved with HP Laserjet and compatibleprinters. If the background forms are printed using these printers, usually noprinter adjustments are necessary.