Title Check Consistency of Child Allowance Data After an Upgrade to Release4.6C Purpose For Release 4.6C, the child allowance is calculated directly inPayroll. The information required to calculate the child allowanceamount is stored in the Family/Related Person infotype (0021) (subtypeChild) and in the Child Allowance Entitlement infotype (0118). For datafrom January 1, 1996, the child allowance amount was previously readfrom the Child Allowance D infotype >. There is no change in thecalculation of child allowance for data before January 01, 1996. The Child Allowance Entitlement D infotype (0118) is read for allpersonnel numbers you select and the child allowance amount iscalculated. This amount is compared to the amount stored in the ChildAllowance D infotype (0232). If there are any differences, they aredisplayed. Differences may occur if:
- The Definition of Child Allowance infotype (0119) and subsequently the
Child Allowance D infotype (0232) were not modified after an adjustmentto the Child Allowance Entitlement D infotype (0118).
- The amount and/or the validity period for the Child Allowance D
infotype (0232) were not transferred unchanged from the Definition ofChild Allowance infotype (0119) infotype.Prerequisites You have already converted the Child Allowance Entitlement infotype(0118) using the report. Features Output List with all personnel numbers and all periods for the Child AllowanceEntitlement infotype (0118). Activities Start the report for all employees that receive child allowancepayments. You should carry out the check directly after the upgrade andbefore master data maintenance and, in particular, before the firstpayroll run. The output list contains all information on inconsistentdata records. Use this error list to check the data stored in the ChildAllowance Entitlement D infotype (0118) and Child Allowance D infotype(0232) and, if necessary, modify this data.