SAP Program RPLKFZ00 - Vehicle - Search List

This report creates a list of employee's license plate numbers.
You can run the evaluation for any user defined time period. The systemsuggests an evaluation under Other period.
You determine the employees using Selection. You can enter anindividual personnel number or a range of personnel numbers. You canuse the system to run an evaluation using the default values availablein the field Employment status:

  • 1 = Employee is in the company, but has leave of absence

  • 2 = Employee is in the company, but is a pensioner

  • 3 = Employee is active in the company

  • You can evaluate license plate numbers using Additional data andonly partial details of the license plate number. There are two searchoptions available.
    • Generic search using *

    • If you enter HD* for example, the system searches for alllicense plate numbers which begin with HD.
      • Masked search using +

      • You can replace unknown details of the license plate number with +
        . Take into account the license plate number format as stored ininfotype Internal Control (0032). For example, if you have madeyour entry using the format HD-FB 123 then you can search forthe license plate number using HD-F+ +++.
        To learn how to use the selection options Further selections
        , Matchcodes and Sort refer to the R/3 library underHuman Resources -> PA Personnel Management -> PA PersonnelAdministration -> Procedures in Personnel Administration -> Master Dataand Reporting -> Report Selection Screen in the HR Management System ->Report Selection Screen.

        The evaluation results are displayed as a table control. The, Name and License nos. are filled in thestandard system.
        The reporting period is displayed above the table. The number ofevaluated employees is displayed below the table.
        You can also edit and export the table; to find out how to do this readPresenting and Using Report Results in the R/3 library underPA Personnel Management -> PA Personnel Administration -> MasterData and Reproting -> Presenting and Using Report Results.

        The license plate number must be entered in the Internal Controlinfotype (0032).

        Search for employees who drive a company car