Description This report creates a list of employee's license plate numbers. You can run the evaluation for any user defined time period. The systemsuggests an evaluation under Other period>. You determine the employees using Selection>. You can enter anindividual personnel number or a range of personnel numbers. You canuse the system to run an evaluation using the default values availablein the field Employment status>:
- 1 = Employee is in the company, but has leave of absence
- 2 = Employee is in the company, but is a pensioner
- 3 = Employee is active in the company
You can evaluate license plate numbers using Additional data> andonly partial details of the license plate number. There are two searchoptions available.
- Generic search using *>
If you enter HD*> for example, the system searches for alllicense plate numbers which begin with HD>.
- Masked search using +>
You can replace unknown details of the license plate number with + >. Take into account the license plate number format as stored ininfotype Internal Control> (0032). For example, if you have madeyour entry using the format HD-FB 123> then you can search forthe license plate number using HD-F+ +++>. To learn how to use the selection options Further selections >, Matchcodes> and Sort> refer to the R/3 library underHuman Resources -> PA Personnel Management -> PA PersonnelAdministration -> Procedures in Personnel Administration -> Master Dataand Reporting -> Report Selection Screen in the HR Management System ->Report Selection Screen>.Output The evaluation results are displayed as a table control. The>, Name> and License nos.> are filled in thestandard system. The reporting period is displayed above the table. The number ofevaluated employees is displayed below the table. You can also edit and export the table; to find out how to do this readPresenting and Using Report Results> in the R/3 library underPA Personnel Management -> PA Personnel Administration -> MasterData and Reproting -> Presenting and Using Report Results>.Dependencies The license plate number must be entered in the Internal Control>infotype (0032).Example Search for employees who drive a company car