Description This report creates a list of service anniversaries which occur duringthe course of a year for employees. A year is the maximum evaluation period (calendar year or a period thatspans a fiscal year change) that you can choose. The system evaluatesdata as follows:
- Today>
Key date evaluation for today's date
- Current month>
Evaluation from the first to the last day of the current month
- Current year>
Evaluation from 01.01 until the 12.31 of the current year
- Up to today>
Evaluation from 01.01 up to and including today's date for the currentyear
- From today>
Evaluation from today's date until 12.31 of the current year.
- Other period>
The system will evaluate according to the dates that you enter. If you only enter an end date, the system automatically selects the01.01. of the selected year as a start date. If you only enter a start date, the date specified is evaluated as akey date.
- Person selection period>
Evaluation according to the date entered You determine the employees to be evaluated under Selection>.Enter the relevant single personnel number or range of personnelnumbers. You can further limit the evaluation by making entries in theAction type>, Employment status>, Personnel area >, Personnel subarea>, Employee group>, Employeesubgroup> fields. You can limit the output of the report using Additional data>. Ifyou only want to display certain anniversaries, enter the relevant yearor years in the Anniversary in years> field. You can execute a gender specific or generic run of the report bymaking a selection under Gender>. You specify which entry date and which date type will form the basis ofthe evaluation by making a selection under Entry data>. To learn how to use the selection options Further selections>,Matchcodes> and Sort> refer to the R/3 library underHuman Resources -> PA Personnel Management -> PA PersonnelAdministration -> Procedures in Personnel Administration -> Master Dataand Reporting -> Report Selection Screen in the HR Management System ->Report Selection Screen>.Output The evaluation results are displayed in a table control.>, Name>, Entry>, Annivers.> fields arefilled in the standard system. The reporting period is specified above the table. The number ofevaluated employees is displayed below the table. You can also edit and export the table. To find out how to do this,read Presenting and Using Report Results> in the R/3 library:PA Personnel Management -> PA Personnel Administration -> MasterData and Reporting -> Presenting and Using Report Results>.Dependencies The employee's entry date, that is needed to calculate the anniversary,can be determined in two ways:
- Select the Action type> selection option.
All employees who were hired using the selected personnel action areselected. The start date of the personnel action according to the Actions infotype> (infotype 0000) with the most recent date is usedas the entry date.
- The Action type> selection option is not selected.
The base value for the calculation could be: the employee's Entry date> according to the Actions>infotype (0000) and the Organizational Assignment> infotype(0001) the date from the Initial entry> field in the ContractElements> infotype (0016) the date from the Entry into group> field in the ContractElements> infotype (0016) technical entry date> from the Date Specifications>infotype (0041) Should more than one entry date exist, the system chooses the earliestdate. Employees with missing data do not appear in the list, for examplesomeone who was assigned to a non-existant personnel subarea. Theyappear in an error list. To access the error list, choose Errorlist>.Examples
- You can use this report to determine the number of anniversaries in the
company and the sum of anniversaries for employees.
- An employee moves within a corporate group from one company to another.
In order to determine the anniversary-relevant length of service, it isuseful to flag the Initial entry date in the corporate group>indicator from the Contract element> infotype (0016).