Purpose Use this report to obtain the Master Data of employees. The reportobtains employee information based on your requirement. Selection Enter the Personnel numbers> of the employees whose details arerequired. Select the infotype(s) the report must read, based on the type ofemployee data you want. The report reads the employee record(s) maintained in the selectedinfotype(s) and displays the data as follows:Current data > The report displays the current data for the selected period maintainedin the following infotypes:
- Actions >infotype (0000)
The report retrieves data such as the Action Type >and ActionReason>.
- Personal Data> infotype (0002)
The report retrieves details such as the employee's: Employee Number > Social Security Number > Name > Marital Status > Date of Birth > Nationality > Gender>
- Address >infotype (0006)
The report retrieves data related to the employee's residential address.
- Planned Working Time> infotype (0007)
The report retrieves the Work Schedule Rule >and WeeklyWorking Hours >data maintained for the employee.
- Bank details> infotype (0009)
The report retrieves the following data: Bank Details Type> Bank Key > Bank Account Number>
- Recurring Payments >infotype (0014)
Data obtained from this infotype is: Wage type> Wage type name> Amount > Currency>
- Contract Elements> infotype (0016)
The report retrieves the Contract Type >of the employee.
- Travel privileges> infotype (0017)
The report retrieves the employee's Grouping for trip expense type>and the Reimbursement Group for travel cost>
- Education >infotype (0022)
The report retrieves information regarding the type of Education /Training >the employee underwent, alongwith the type ofEducational Establishment >and its location.
- Company Car> infotype (0442)
The report retrieves information regarding the car's details such as: Manufacturer> Model> License Plate Number> Registration date>Entire data> The report displays the entire data for the selected period maintainedin the following infotypes:
- Organisational Assignment> infotype (0001)
The report retrieves details regarding the employee's: Group >and Subgroup> Company code> Business Area> Personnel Area >and Personnel Sub area> Job> Position Organizational Unit> Work Contract>
- Basic Pay >infotype (0008)
The report retrieves details such as: Capacity utilization level >percentage Wage Type >used to store employee payments and the Wage typeName> Wage Type Amount >and the Currency >
- Family/Related persons >infotype (0021)
The report retrieves details regarding the employee's family members,such as their: Relation to the employee> Name > Date of Birth> Gender>
- Others/Previous Employers> infotype (0023)
The report retrieves the employee's previous employer details such as: Employer > City >and Country> Industry > Job >and Work Contract >type
- Qualification >infotype (0024)
The report retrieves the employee's Qualification >andProficiency>
- Objects On loan> infotype (0040)
The report retrieves the details such as: Object on Loan> Number/Unit> Loan Object number>
- Date Specification> infotype (0041)
The report retrieves Date Type> and the Date>
- Membership Fees> infotype (0057)
The report retrieves membership details such as: Member Type >and Member Type Text> Membership fees >and its Currency> Wage Type >that stores the fees and theWage type name>
- Insurance Plans> infotype (0168)
The report retrieves the employee's benefit plan data such as: Benefit Area> Benefit plan >and Plan type> Insurance Options>
- Exceptions Se> infotype (0277)
The report retrieves the exception Type >and Rule >for theemployee.Activities On the SAP Easy Access> screen, choose Human Resources> ->Payroll >-> Europe >-> Sweden >-> Subsequentactivities> -> Period-independent> -> Reporting >->Personal Data Act Report>. Enter the relevant selection criteria. To execute the report, choose Program >-> Execute>.