SAP Program RPLIKAC1 - HR-CH: Invalidity Fund - Annual Payroll

This report generates the data medium for the calculation of theemployee's income subject to AHV [Pension, Disability and SurvivingDependents' Insurance] deductions for the AHV compensation fund. Thecalculation for the invalidity fund (IF) is usually carried outannually.

In addition, an accompanying list for the data medium is created withthe following information:

  • AHV number

  • Account number (No. of employer)

  • Compensation fund number

  • Branch number

  • Posting key

  • Contribution months

  • Contribution year

  • Income subject to AHV deduction

  • Name

  • The list is printed as an A4 document with 65 lines to a page.
    The data medium is created in accordance with the technical instructionsfor data exchange (EDP procedure) with the ZAS [Central Office onCompensation]. The lists have been generated in accordance with theguidelines of the Swiss engineering industry compensation fund (AK 60).
    If you settle with another compensation fund, you may have to adjustreporting minimally, as the guidelines are not standardized.

    Selection period
    Enter a full year as the selection period.
    The system reads all payroll results for each person that are within thetime period entered.
    Select the desired employee for whom you want to run payroll byselecting an option from the selection list.
    Additional Information You can select the period for which youwant to perform retroactive using input help in the retroactiveaccounting version. The amounts for the wage types entered are added.An IF entry is posted and displayed in the accompanying list for eachperson and employment period.
    Date export
    In the file location group box, you can control with the radiobuttons whether the file is stored on the PC or on the applicationserver.
    In the record length group box, you determine whether payrollresults should be written for the file with fixed or variable recordlengths.
    With the input help in the data medium field, you specify thetype of data medium with which the file should be delivered to thecompensation fund.

    The program generates a file.

    The system outputs the list in the following order:

    • Company code

    • AHV number

    • Employment period

    • In addition, the system lists the employees for which there is no AHVnumber stored in the system at the end separately.

1406560Advance delivery "AKIS Lohn`08" at fiscal year change 2010
1392561Delivery of IF annual payroll for "AKIS-Lohn`08" format
1386374Advance notice fiscal year change 2009/2010 Switzerland
1406002FAK: New view fields for FAK canton and FAK number
1228044Invalidity Fund - Annual Payroll: Preparing new SI numbers