SAP Program RPLFBSN0 - Overview of Flexible Benefits Sources

This report enables you to create an overview of the available FlexibleBenefits sources per employee. This functionality can be used forchecking the correct assignment of the sources and the customizing ofspendable amounts per source.
After selecting a subset of employees, all relevant information out ofthe infotypes is displayed. The selection of sources depends on thecustomizing of the Benefit Program and takes also minimum and maximumamounts as well as spendable parts into account. In effect, the amountsas displayed will be the same as the amounts the employee would see whenhe tries to make a choice in ESS on the selection date.
In case of leave plans, also the spendable number of hours or days andthe relevant rate are shown.

Report Determine and save source amounts (
RPIFBLN0). With this report, source amounts aredetermined and saved in infotype Employee's Basic Pay (0008).

The selection fields Selection Date, Benefit Area andProgram are obligatory.

In addition to the normal PNP selection options, the followingselection options are available:

  • Selection date: the date on which you want to have an overview of
  • the choices.
    • Benefit Area: a benefit area comprises a group of plans that
    • applies to a particular branch of the enterprise or to the entireenterprise. A benefit area contains a code consisting of 2 charactersand a description and can be valid for a maximum of one country with onecurrency.
      • Program: this is a set of sources and goals from which a group of
      • employees can choose.

        The records will be selected according to the selection made on theselection screen. First, you will see the statistics of the selection.After pressing on the button Output List, the following data of theselected records will be displayed in an ALV:
        Personnel number
        Name of the employee (field ENAME is used for this)
        The amount available per source, such as 13th Month, Bonus, HolidayAllowance, selling of holiday hours. In case of leave plans, also theavailable number and the relevant rate.