Description This report creates a list of employees who have information abouttheir relatives stored in the system. The system suggests today's date for the evaluation. You can, however,select any period for the evaluation. Please note, you can only make anentry in Person selection period > when you have flaggedOther period>. You determine the employee in Selection>. Enter the relevantpersonnel number. You can enter a single personnel number or apersonnel number range. You can also control the evaluation usingentries in the Personnel area>, Personnel subarea>,Employee group>, and Employee subgroup> fields. In Additional data> you can also create restrictions for thereport output. If you only want to display a limited number of familymembers, enter a corresponding specification (i.e. 1 = spouse, 2 =child) or specification range in the field Family record type>. The entry in the field Date type ex specifications> defines theentry date which is used to calculate seniority. The system suggeststhe date type 01> (technical entry date). If the indicator Display EE w/o family> is set (standardsetting), then all selected employees are listed, regardless of whetherthey have familiy members or if they have information on family membersstored in the system. If the indicator Display EE w/o family> isnot set, then only the employees are listed, for whom data has beenstored in infotype 0041 (Date Specifications). To learn how to use the selection options Further selections>,Matchcodes> and Sort>, refer to the R/3 library underHuman Resources -> PA-Personnel Management -> PA-PersonnelAdministration -> Procedures in Personnel Administration -> Master Dataand Reporting -> Report Selection Screen in the Human Resources System-> Report Selection Screen>.Output The evaluation results are displayed as a table control. In thestandard system the columns>, Family record type>,Entry>, Seniority>, Name> and Date of birth>are filled. The evaluation period is specified above the table. The number ofselected employees is displayed in the table. You can edit and export the table. To learn how to do this, refer tothe R/3 library under PA-Personnel Management -> PA PersonnelAdministration -> Master Data and Reporting -> Presenting and UsingReport Results>.Dependencies Date type and date specifications are stored in infotype DateSpecifications> (0041).Example Used when determining which employees receive a family related bonus. |