Description This report generates a list of the current employees that have beendesignated for personnel actions and, in addition, allows the necessaryactions to be directly carried out. The personnel numbers and name of the employees are displayed, as wellas the type of action to be carried out, the date it is to be carriedout, and the assigned established position. In certain circumstances actions in personnel administration, which cannot be directly carried out, will be deleted through transactions inpersonnel planning (PD). The employees that are affected by this PDtransaction are designated for a personnel action. As long as thedesignated action is not carried out, the corresponding personnelnumber is locked for all other transactions. It is not possible tocreate, change or delete infotypes. After infotype 0001 (OrganizationalAssignment) has been saved within the personnel action, the designationis deleted and the personnel number is then unlocked. By selecting an entry from the list the current organizational data ofthe employee that is to be compared can be directly called up when thepersonnel action is carried out. To make the list easier to read a traffic light is displayed for eachentry. It is green if the personnel action has already been carriedout. Amber means that the entry has already been selected to comparethe organizational data, but the personnel action has not yet beencarried out. Otherwise a red light is displayed. You can use the 'Create action' function to carry out the personnelaction directly. The required data from the designation (date of thepersonnel action, type of action and position) is automaticallytransferred to infotype 0000 (Action). The procedure of 'extended integration' is controlled by tax entries inthe T77S0 system table. The entry PLOGI EVENB determines whether theextended integration is generally active and, using the entry PLOGIEVCCC, the type of action to be carried out is determined. As a rule anorganizational reassignment should be entered here. |