Description This report compiles the data that is relevant for the remuneration statistics for the chemical industry's employer associations.. The data is printed in a form that corresponds to the survey form. Precondition Entries in the selection screen that are always relevant and necessary: - Survey year - Survey month - List individual statements Only relevant for modifications (Setting your own form indicators and features): - Name of the feature combined with plant sections (Standard feature: VEBZU) - Form indicator from table T512E, where the wage types for creating gross amounts and number of hours are stored. Activities before creating the remuneration statistics: To create accurate remuneration statistics (chemical industry) you must maintain the following tables and features: Table T512E: In table T512E, you must maintain the wage types that are used to determine the gross salary and the working hours from the payroll results. Assign these wage types to form indicators according to their significance. The following connection is stored in the standard system: 'CHAL' = general valid wage types valid for salaried employees and workers 'CHMA' = wage types that only apply to salaried employees (for example, regular salary) 'CHMW' = wage types that apply specifically to hourly-paid workers (bonuses, hourly wages, monthly wages) The entries (wage types) that you include in this form indicator must also be maintained in the following fields: Explanation of field names - Wtype : Wage type name; In this column enter all wage types to be taken into account according to the significance of the form indicator. Only the wage types listed here are taken into account by the report, and processed according to their key. - CumWT : The following activities are carried out according to the first key (on the left side) of this field: 'G': There is a standard basic remuneration. for the wage type. The amount field for this wage type is taken from the payrollresults. 'Z': There are standard bonuses and allowances for the wage type. The amount field for this amount field is taken from the payroll results. 'L': There is a unit-of-production method of the remuneration element for the wage type. The amount field for this wage type is taken from the payroll results. 'S': There are other bonuses for the wage type. The amount field for the wage type is taken from the payroll results. To determine the paid working hours, make an entry in the second place in this field. This field is only to be maintained for the hourly wage earner. If you enter the value '1', the number of paid hours is determined from the number field of the wage type from payroll. Note that this results in the total paid working hours and not the actual hours worked. The working hours are automatically determined for monthly wage earners. The first and second places can also be entered together. For example, when you enter the cumulation wage type 'G100', the amount of the wage type is totaled for the basic remuneration and the number field to determine the working hours are processed. - Rz: '+' = Amount/number of wage type is added '-' = Amount/number of wage type is subtracted Table T5D3M: The chemical-industry survey lists employee remuneration under the respective remuneration groups. The assignment of the different remuneration groups to the corresponding employees is controlled using the employee's wage level assignment. The connection between the wage level assignment and the remuneration group is stored in table T5D3M. Note that you have generic assignment possibilities for the pay-scale area and pay-scale level. For more detailed information, refer to the instructions in the IMG. The remuneration groups are automatically assigned to the individual employees when the wage-level assignment is specified in infotype 8. Work place control feature: Here, you control whether, and how, the plant sections are combined in one plant (see documentation on the standard feature VEBZU). If you have combined the plant sections into one plant, a survey form is created for this combined plant. The individual statements (if you requested this output) are separated and printed for each plant section before the survey froms are printed. Wage level assignment control feature: Use this feature to control whether, and how, wage level assignments, stored in table T510, are mapped to new or different wage-level assignments. The newly-defined employee wage-level assignments are then used exclusively to evaluate the wage-level assignment with remuneration groups in table T5D3M. You must maintain this feature for the following constellations: - The same wage-level assignments are used for industrial workers and salaried employees. - There are wage-level assignments with different pay-scale groups that are immediately evaluated for the remuneration groups. In this case, the maintenance of table T5D3M is considerably reduced. You can find more detailed information about maintaining the feature in the documentation for the standard feature DVETR. Master data query of the report for the chemical-industry survey a) Work-time and DUEVO infotypes If the person is entered as a part-time employee in the work-time infotype, or if the person has an employment percentage of less than 100,00, this person is seen as a part-time employee, and, as such, is not included in the statistics. Also if employees are entered as part-time in the DUEVO infotype, they are rejected. Work-time and DUEVO infotypes are checked against each other. b) Entry/Leaving: If employees enter or leave during the survey period, they are not included in the survey. d) Membership of remuneration groups The membership of a remuneration group is determined using the employee's wage-level assignment. The wage-level assignment for each employee is determined using the 'basic pay' infotype. The remuneration groups are assigned to the individual wage-level assignments takes place in table T5D3M. If the employee's remuneration group is assigned differently, compared to the remuneration group of the pay-rates, you can maintain this person-specific remuneration group in the 'statistics' infotype, subtype '2' under the statistic '01' ('Chemical industry survey'). e) Tyüe of employee (Salaried employee/worker) The chemical industry survey distinguishes between workers, office employees, and technical employees. The report determines these features as follows: 1. First, the work contract is checked. You can maintain this per employee in the 'org. assignment' infotype. Only make entries in this field when the WkrCnt> (work contract) field (defined for an employee group and employee subgroup in table T5D03>), must be changed for a specific employee. 2. If a review is not possible using the work contract, the entry for each employee group/subgroup assignment is checked, according to table T5D03,. If a review is also not possible here, the person is rejected with an error message. f) Trainees are indentified by the evaluation of the trainee status in the employee group/subgroup table T503, and are excluded from the survey. Pensioners and early retirees are identified by the primary attribute in the social insurance infotype, and are rejected.Ouput: A form is dispalyed that matches the survey form. The address of the company is printed, using table T536A. If you have selected the 'issue individual statements' parameter, you receive the person-specific data for each person included in the survey form. You can use the individual statements list to check the settings for the chemical-industry survey (wage types in T5D3E, evaluation of the wage level assignment in T5D3M,...). The output of the individual statements has the following format: - In the heading, the month is issued when the chemical industry survey was created. - This is followed by the name of the company for which the chemical industry survey was created. Example: Plant : 0001 Hamburg Head Office Goethestraße 8 PlSect: 0001 Administration 22085 Hamburg - The individual statements follow the name of the company. This list is divided into two units. First there is the information from which you can decide where the employee appears in the earnings survey. Example: k t M W L A A T Remu m/ PersNr. W S S S V T Z Z Gr. w 00000352 X 0011 w ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !-> Gender of the employee ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !-----> Lines in the survey sheet, ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! where the employee is ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! listed; places 2 and 3 are ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! the remuneration group of the ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! employee ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !--------> Shows whether the employee is ! ! ! ! ! ! ! part-time ! ! ! ! ! ! !----------> Shows whether the employee is ! ! ! ! ! ! a trainee ! ! ! ! ! !------------> Shows whether the employee is ! ! ! ! ! semiretired ! ! ! ! !--------------> Shows whether the employee ! ! ! ! receives an incentive bonus ! ! ! !--------------> Shows whether the employee ! ! ! works in rotating shifts ! ! !-------------> Shows whether the employee carries ! ! out a skilled task ! !------------> Employee is a technical employee (t) ! or office (k) employee !-----------> Employee is an industrial worker In the above example, the employee is a technical employee, and is assigned to remuneration group '01'. Therefore, the employee appears in line '0011' in the earnings survey (sheet 2 under 'Salaried employees'). The second part of the list shows you which salary and, if necessary, the hours the employee works. Example: Rate Rate Worked Other End PersNo. .. WrkTim remun bonus remun bonus level 00000352 .. 0,00 1.976,00 0,00 0,00 197,60 With these specifications, you can check if the determination of these contributions by the wage types in the form table T512E is correct. If the employee is assigned to the last level, a cross is entered in the 'End level' column. - Notes are issued after the individual statements that outline why employees were not included in the survey. Use the messages (at the end of the list), to identify incorrect employee master data or inconsistencies. |