SAP Program RPLEHBD0 - Verdiensterhebung für Industrie und Handel

The earnings survey has been updated by the Federal Statistics Officeas of October 1999. This report corresponds to the updated version. Theold version of the report has been saved under RPLEHBD1.

This report compiles the relevant data for the regular and annualearnings surveys for the regional statistics offices. The data isprinted on an earnings survey form.

This table corresponds to that in the 'Standardized Payroll Statements'document, published by the Working Group for Economic Administration.

Relevant and necessary entries on the selection screen are:
For monthly statistics:
- Survey year
- Survey month
For annual statistics:
- Survey year
- Survey month: Enter blank characters in field.
- Display individual statements
- Set display currency
- Reasons for the change in pay
Entries relevant only for modifications (set own form indicators
and features):
- Name of the feature used to control which salary
limits should be used for which federal state,
if you are not using the standard function.
(Standard feature: VEBLK)
- Name of the feature used to combine plant sections
(Standard feature: DVEZU)
- Name of the feature used to distinguish between identical pay scale
indicators for industrial workers and salaried workers.
(Standard feature DVETR)
- Form indicator from table T512E, used to store the wage types for
creating total gross amount the number of hours worked.

Activities to be carried out before creating the earnings survey
You must maintain the following tables/features to be able to
create the earnings survey correctly:
Table T512E:
In table T512E, you have to maintain the wage types that are used to
determine the gross salary, hours worked, and amount of overtime worked
from the payroll results.
Assign these wage types to different form indicators according to
The following connection is preset in the standard system:
Form indicators Wage types to be maintained
'VEAL': General valid wage types that
apply to all salaried and hourly-paid
workers in the monthly and annual survey
'VEMA': Wage types to create the monthly survey
for salaried employees
(for example, regular, current salary)
'VEMW': Wage types to create the monthly survey
for hourly-paid employees
(for example, regular, current wage; paid
working hours)
'VEJA': Wage types to create the annual survey
for salaried employees
(for example, regular, current salary; one-time
payments exclusive to salaried employees)
'VEJW': Wage types to create the annual survey
for hourly-paid employees
(for example. regular, current wage; one-time
payments exclusively for hourly-paid workers)
For the monthly earnings survey, only use the form indicators
'VEMA' and 'VEAL' for salaried employees,
and 'VEMW' and 'VEAL' for hourly-paid employees.
For the annual earnings survey, only use the form indicators
'VEJA' and 'VEAL' for salaried employees,
and 'VEJW' and 'VEAL' for hourly-paid employees.
The entries (wage types) that you add to these form indicators must
be maintained in the following fields:
Field name explanations
- Wtyp : Wage type name: In this column, enter all
wage types that must be considered, according
to the significance of the form indicator.
Only the wage types displayed here are
considered and processed according to their
- SumL : The wage types are totaled according to the
field code:
1. Position (aligned left) = '1':
The wage type amount from the payroll results
(RT) is processed to determine
the wages/salaries
2. Position (aligned left) = '1':
The wage type number field from the payroll
results is processed to determine the number
of paid hours.
These wage types that contain working
hours are exclusively used for hourly-paid
For monthly wage earners, the working hours
are determined automatically.
For salaried employees a code for working
hours is not necessary.
3. Position (aligned left) = '1':
The wage-type number-field is
processed. Every wage type coded in this
position is read as an overtime wage type.
The number of overtime hours is determined
using this. These wage types must be marked
for hourly and monthly wage earners here. No
determination of overtime is needed for
salaried employees.
The processing possibilities can/must be
When you enter the cumulation wage type '1010'
for the overtime hours wage-type, the amount of
the wage type is added up to the total gross and
the number field to determine the overtime hours
is processed.
- Rz: '+' = Amount/number of the wage type is added
'-' = Amount/number of the wage type is
For salaried emloyees, the regular, monthly gross salary is compared
with a salary limit in the annual earnings survey.
In order to prevent the inclusion of one-time payments in this
detemination of regular monthly gross salary amounts,
maintain the one-time payment wage types for the salaried
employees in the following field:
- S-typ: Indicate one-time payments for salaried
employees with 'E' in this field (only when
creating the annual earnings survey).
If you want to take the number of RHC/BWP hours into account,
maintain, in the same field:
- S-typ: The RHC/BWP - lost hours are coded with a
'K' for all employee subgroup groupings
(only for the monthly earnings survey).
Table T5D3M:
The earnings survey lists the remuneration for the employees in the
respective benefit groups.
Assign the various benefit groups to the corresponding
employees using the wage-level assignment.
The connection between the wage-level assignment and the benefit groups
is stored in table T5D3M.
Benefit groups are automatically assigned to individual employees
when you enter the pay scale assignment in infotype 8.
Ensure that you have generic assignment possibilities for the pay scalearea and pay scale levels. For more detailed information, refer to theinstructions in the IMG.
Salary limit assignment feature:
Only employees with a salary below the salary limit are included in theearnings survey. For companies in the western states, the constantVEK01 is read from the constant table T511K. For companies in the east,the constant VEK02 is used. Whether a company is part of the east orwest is determined by the west-east indicator in table T5D0P.
If you want to override the salary limit assignment, you can set up afeature. Use the standard feature VEBLK as a template.
Work place control feature:
Use this feature to control which company units
should be used to create an earnings survey, in the form of a summary.
(To implement, see the documentation on the standard feature DVEZU.)
The company unit summary refers to pay scale area and pay scale
type summaries, in addition to the usual plant and plant section
If you have defined company units in this feature, a survey sheet
can only be created using this company unit. The individual statements
(if you chose this output), are separated for each plant section before
the earnings survey is printed.
Pay scale level control feature:
Use this feature to control whether, and how, pay scales levels
that are stored in table T510, are mapped onto new or
different pay scale levels.
The new pay scale levels, defined in this way, are then usedexclusively
to evaluate the pay scale rates with remuneration groups in table
This feature must be maintained for the following constellations:
- Use the same pay scale levels for hourly-paid workers and
salaried employees.
- Pay scale levels with different pay scale groups are available,
which are evaluated in the same way as the rumuneration groups.
In this case, the maintenance of table T5D3M can be considerably
For more detailed information about the maintenance of this feature,
see the documentation on the standard feature DVETR.

Master data queries in the earning survey report
a) Working time and DUEVO infotypes
If employees are coded as part-time in this infotype, or
if they have an employment percentage of less than 100,00,
they are considered as a part-time worker.As such, they are not
included in the statistics.
If the person is entered as part-time in the DUEVO infotype, the
record is rejected. The working time and DUEVO infotypes
are compared.
b) Entry/Leaving:
If an employee leaves or enters during the survey period, they
are not included in the survey.
c) Absences
If a person has one (for monthly survey) or 10 (for annual survey)
unpaid absence days in the survey period, this person
is not included in the survey. The unpaid absence days are
determined from the payroll table ABC.
d) Membership of the statistical benefit group
The membership of a statistical benefit group is determined
using the person's pay scale.
The statistical benefit groups are assigned to pay scales in table
If, according to the statistic benefit group, an employee is
assigned to a different benefit group from the pay scale, you
can maintain this person-specific benefit group in the 'Statistics'
infotype, subtype '1', under the statistic '02' ('Earnings Survey')
e) Type salaried/hourly-paid employee
The earnings survey distinguishes between workers, office
employees and technical employees.
The report determines these features as follows:
1. First, the work contract is checked. You can maintain this
for each person in the 'Organizational.assignment' infotype.
Only make entries in this field if the WrkCont (work
contract) needs to be changed. This data is defined in table
T5D03 for an employee subgroup and an employee group.
2. If a review is not possible, using the work contract, the
entry is examined according to table T5D03, which each employee
group/subgroup is assigned to.
If a review is also not possible here, this person is
rejected with an error message.
f) Trainees are identified using the trainee status that is
maintained in employee group/subgroup table T503, and are then
excluded from the survey.
g) Pensioners, early retirees and semi-retired employees
are identified and excluded by evaluating the primary attribute
in the social insurance infotype.

You receive a form that corresponds to the earnings survey.
The company address can also be printed using table T536A.
If you have selected the 'display individual statements' parameter,
you receive the person-specific data of each person included on
the data entry from.
The individual statement list helps you to check the settings for
the earnings survey (wage types in T512E, evaluation of the pay
scale levels in T5D3M,....).
The output of the individual statements has the following form:
- The month (year) when the earnings survey was created is
specified in the heading.
- Then the company name for which the survey was created. In this
way, the surveys are separated by company and listed according
to the individual collective agreements
Plant : 0001 Heidelberg Head Office Pay scale type : 40 Metal
Dept: 0001 Metal working shop Pay scale area: 01 Baden-
The individual statements follow the company name.
This list is divided into two units. First, the information, from
which you can decide where the employee should appear in the
survey sheet, is issued.
Office/Techn. Stat. Gender.
PersNo. Wrkr. Employee Ben.Grp. m/w
00000350 X 1 m
The employee is an industrial worker, and as such, appears in
the earnings survey for workers. Since the employee has a
pay scale level in the basic pay infotype, that was evaluated
in table T5D3M with service group 1, and since the employee is
male, he appears in the first line of the earnings survey.
The second part of the list shows the employee's
salary, working hours, and overtime hours.
PersNr. Wrkr. ...... Salary/Wage Hours Overtime hours
00000350 X ...... 2.372 125,20 10,00
You can use these entries to check whether the determination of
these amounts through the wage types in the form table T512E is
- After the individual statements are printed, you receive
notes on why employees were not considered in the survey.
After the individual statements and the survey forms, the system
prints out a message list, which you can use to correct any
errors in employee master data.
The regular earnings survey requires additional information
regarding the employment relationship. This information is not in
the system, and can only be partly specified.
- Specifications for the responsible regional statistical office
is missing.
- Payroll Administrator - no entry
- Economic Sector - no entry
- Pay scale regulation: Pay scale from Basic Pay infotype (0008)
- Regulation on company/pay-scale working time:
Table T510I is read for this.
- Weekly payroll run ? : No, monthly.
- Fixed monthly wage ? : Payroll category from WPBP
- Additional working time for hourly-paid workers on the 29th, 30th
and 31st of the month: Work schedule is read.
Reasons for the Change in Payments
- Reduced working time is determined by the report
- All other reasons must be selected as parameters and are valid
for all company reports in the program run