Features Output Title Employment Equity Act (EEA) Reporting Purpose This report generates all data needed for fully compliant EmploymentEquity Computerized Reporting System (EECRS) processing. Integration The Employment Equity Act (EEA) report is closely integrated with thePayroll component, as the salary information it generates is read frompayroll results. The report also relies on Master Data forperson-related information such as disabilities and minority status(from Infotype 0077) and geographic locations (from Infotype 0224). Italso uses information from the Personnel Development component, such asjob codes, NOC codes and organisational unit codes that are needed tofile the EEA report. Prerequisites To run the EEA report, you need payroll results for employees in theorganisational units for which you are creating the report. You alsohave to perform the following configuration activities:
- Define National Occupation Codes (NOCs) and/or Statistics Canada
Occupational Codes (SOCs)
- Assign Industrial Classification Codes to personnel subareas
- Assign codes to positions or jobs
- Assign wage types relevant for EEA reporting and define them as
one-time or prorated paymentsFeatures The EEA report is fully compatible with EECRS. The output is a set ofASCII text (*.txt) files that can be processed by EECRS to produce theforms needed for EEA reporting in Canada. In addition, the reportfeatures an output log that simplifies the error handling process byindicating where data was missing for employees the program rejected,and providing drilldown access to the relevant infotype maintenancescreens and tables where the data can be entered. This feature ensuresthat the files downloaded for EECRS processing are complete andaccurate. Activities The EEA report can be executed by following these steps: From the Payroll Canada menu, choose Period-independent, then Reporting-> Employment Equity Assessment -> Evaluation run. Make your selections on the initial screen and choose Execute. The summarized report output screen appears. On this screen, you can display the report output and download theEECRS files. If you execute the Evaluation run in the background, you can extend theexpiration date of the EEA files and download the files at a latertime. To do so, follow this procedure after executing the evaluation run inthe background: From the Payroll Canada menu, choose Period-independent, then Reporting-> Employment Equity Assessment -> Download EEA files. If you want to extend the expiration date of the files, select therelevant TemSe file and choose Extend expiring date. To download the files, select the relevant TemSe file and choose ExportEECRS files.