Purpose The Unified Declaration of Social Contributions (RPLDUCF0) is used toprepare the declarations sent to the various labor protection agencies(OPS). This program allows declarations to be made by proposing differentsupports according to the type of declaration defined according to therecipient OPS.
- The different supports for the URSSAF are:
DUCS EDI DUCS Paper (1) BRC in Cerfa format (1) BRC in SNV2 format (2)
- For IRCs:
DUCS EDI DUCS Paper (4) Dispatch (1): Note, use of one of these paper formats is conditioned bythe sum of contributions paid to URSSAF in the previous years. Dispatch (2) Check that this medium is always accepted by your URSSAF. Dispatch (3) Check that this medium is always accepted by your ASSEDIC. Dispatch (4) Check that this medium is always accepted by your various banks In production mode, this program allows the selection of:
- Place of work
- Type of declaration
- Recipient (for IRC type declarations).
Note: Additional selection criteria are available to help with positioning,such as personnel number, area, subarea. This program allows the management of original declarations and"accrual" declarations. As a result, this program stores the images ofthe declarations sent. The way in which differences are determined depends on the type ofmedium.
- Method for canceling and replacing for paper medium
- Delta method for EDI medium
Prerequisites The conditions required to use this program thus depend on the mediumused. Therefore, customizing of declarations is available in: Payroll France - > Social insurance uses - > URSSAF ContributionSummary Sheets> Payroll France - > Social insurance uses - > Contribution SummarySheets, all agencies> Payroll France - > Unified Declaration of Social Contributions(DUCS) >Selection The selection screen of this program is subdivided into tabs, some ofwhich are common to several types of declaration or specializedaccording to the type of declaration and type of support: Request> Select the period corresponding to the declaration. This period shouldcorrespond to the frequency of the declaration. Select the places of work, i.e. the SIRET numbers of the places of workfor which you want to make declarations. One declaration is generatedfor all selected places of work. A "None" type declaration is generatedfor places of work with no employees. It is important to exclude closedplaces of work from the selection. Select the OPS for your declaration. This program distinguishes between two summary types:
- the initial summary is based on the active results for the last period
- the additional summary is based on the active results of the previous
periods selected In Agencies to be processed>>, indicate the OtherAgencies> declaration type for an IRC type declaration.General options Indicate the frequency of your declaration. The specific tabs for URSSAF, ASSEDIC and Other agencies may be used todefine specific parameters for each agency. Request Tab This tab must be filled regardless of the type of declaration and mediumof the declaration in question. It allows you to define the object ofyour request. Complete the following fields: ",,Summary type
EDI> It is possible to create a DUCS in EDI format.> > In this tab, you can enter the summary type and issuer identification.You fill in the SIRET field or Other ID field according to the issuer IDmethod. Output The preliminary status for control assistance is an ALV list. All of thestandard options for selection, cumulation and transfer to Excel aresupported. In online mode, the displayed icons are:
- list of errors
- Paper medium, forms for a SIRET and a payroll period selected:
,,the system only displays the data on the place of work and period forthe selected line.
- Paper medium, forms for all SIRETs and all periods:
the system displays all forms for all places of work and periods of theALV list.
- downloading of the file in SNV2 format (RPUDWNF1)