Purpose This report outputs Loss of Qualification form for Social Insurance(SI)Office or Health Insurance(HI) Association. Prerequisites This report refers to the layout of "Kenpo MC-70" for continuous-form papers offered by Nihon Hourei. Features
- This report selects employees whose Acquired/Lost statuses in Social Ins
urance Basic Data Infotype (0140) are either "Lost>" or " Office Change>" in the specified period.
- In Output control>, it is possible to specify either "Submit
HI and EP data together>" or "Submit HI and EP data separately >". When you choose "Submit HI and EP data together>", it is possibleto specify the followings: In "Output employee>", you can choose which employees are to be in cluded in the output. There are the following three options. Both HI and EP>: The report includes employees who are disqualifie d from both Health Insurance(HI) and Employee's Pension(EP) in thespecified period. HI only>: The report includes employees who are disqualified fromHealth Insurance in the specified period. EP only>: The report includes employees who are disqualified fromEmployee's pension in the specified period. In "Output insurance No.>", you can choose which insured number is to be output and to be used to sort employees in the form. There arethe following four options. HI number>: The report outputs HI number and employees are sortedby HI number. EP number>: The report outputs EP number and employees are sortedby EP number. Both number(sort HI no.)>: The report outputs both HI number andEP number and employees are sorted by HI number. Both number(sort EP no.)>: The report outputs both HI number and E P number and emloyees are sorted by EP number. When you choose "Submit HI and EP data separately>", it ispossible to specify for which insurance type (Health Insurance >or Employee's Pension>) the form to be created in Outputinsurance data>.
- It is possible to specify more than one target branch office to which Lo
ss of Qualification Form is to be filed.
- It is possible to select either Use> or Not use> of SAP
Script. If you select Use>, you can specify the name of your own SAP Scrip t in which you customize output positions. If you select Not use >, the report outputs the data according to the positions specified inthe program.Activities Specify for which period Loss of Qualification Form to be output and exe cute the report.