Purpose This report outputs Address Change form for Social Insurane(SI) Office. Prerequisites
- This report refers to the layout of "Kouho MC-310" for continuous-form
papers offered by Nihon Hourei.
- If the begin date of new address record for some employee is the same as
the date of acquisition or loss of qualification, this report will notoutput Address Change Form for this employee.Features
- This report selects employees who have new addresses in the specified pe
- It is possible to specify more than one target branch office to which Ad
dress Change Form is to be filed.
- It is possible to specify which Insurance Number> to be output.
Itcould be either Health Insurance> or Employee's Pension >.
- It is possible to specify which employee's address information is to be
used. Official tax address (subtype J1>) is proposed as default.
- It is possible to select either Use> or Not use> of SAP
Script. If you select Use>, you can specify the name of your own SAP Scrip t in which you customize output positions. If you select Not use >,the report outputs the data according to the positions specified inthe program.Activities Specify for which period Address Change Form to be output and execute th e report.