Description The RPLDIDI0 report performs the calculation of the company challengedpersons for the categories specified by law n. 68 of March 12th 1999. The concerned categories are presently the following ones: managers; apprentices; contracts of apprenticeship; fixed terms contracts for a period not exceeding 9 months; outplacement contracts; Provisional contracts (interim); contracts for home-work and/or telework; employees exclusively working abroad. The criteria used to determine the belonging to these categories arethe following ones: managers: they are considered only if they are assisted by INPDAI (Social Security Institute for Industrial Executives); categories from 2 to 7: challenged persons are identified as belonging to these categories only if the type of contract corresponds to the number mentioned on the 770/2000 form; the need of this correspondence is set up by law and the type of contracts are listed in the instructions related to the filling in of the 770/2000 form (boxes 11 and 87 of the SA section). Employees working abroad are identified in the info-type 0154 ("workplace"). The report is made up of a PNP standard selection screen and of anadditional lower part that allows performing the search by the optionalselection of some geographic parameters. Precondition Management of IT 0156: REGIO, PROVI, MUNIC fields; IT 0004: SBGRU field that defines the disability level of the employee; IT 0016: CTTYP field (work contract); IT 0154: SEDEL field (work place); Output The program provides the list of the company challenged persons foreach above mentioned contract categories. Moreover, this list can be used to fill in Word or Excel documents andto forward the list to another user if a SAP intranet e-mail system isused. |