Purpose The notification in advance, serves as a means of information for thegovernment to estimate their yearly expenses on educational leave. Thisnotification has to be done before the first of February for thosepersons that are already known by the employer to be enrolled incourses at that time. When employees notify the employer of othercourses later on in the year, an additional notification needs to bedone. Integration This program should be used in connection with the reimbursement declarations> for educational leave.
- Wage type hourly wage for educational leave> (/006) of each
employee is needed to fill out this declaration. This implies that thepayroll should at least have ran once for each person that will be onthe notification document. Without any payroll data, it won't bepossible to run this notification in advance. This wage is only usedas an estimation for the person's future income.
- On the selection screen, one has to select in which language the report
should run. This depends on whether the company is located in Flanders,Wallonnie or Brussels. You should pay close attention to the selectionof the right language. When you have selected several personal areaslocated in different communities, a warning will be displayed. In thiscase you should reduce the selection.
- The name of the contact person is defaulted from the user-ID. It is
assumed that the person who runs the declaration in fact is the contactperson for the government. However, since this is only a defaultvalue, it can easily be altered.
- Table Translation table BE educational leave quota> (T5B31)
should be maintained. This table translates the quota types foreducational leave (from infotype Absence Quota> (2006)) intocourse types that are specified by the government.
- The following data is also obligatory to run this declaration :
the employee's activity status in table Employee Group/Subgroup>(T503-ANSTA) data concerning the government in table Institutions> (T5B9A -instutional group 21) the company's Social Security number in table Personal Areas/Personal Subareas> (T5B9P-RSZNR) the employer category in infotype Social Security (B)> (0100) the employee's name, last name and date of birth from infotypePersonal Data> (0002) the employee's maximum working hours per week from infotype Contract Elements> (0016) the employee's quota for educational leave from infotype AbsenceQuota> (2006)Features Only when the print button is not selected, the system will update thehistory table> (T5B32) which contains the data of the earlierdeclarations. This table is maintained within the report: entries olderthan 2 years will automatically be removed.Remark The declarations as printed by this system are created in compliancewith the specifications set by the government (Ministery of Employmentand Work, department of educational leave)