Purpose Two different declarations need to be made to obtain a reimbursementfrom the government for educational leave : the individual declaration per employee the collective declaration The individual declarations are printed first, followed by thecollective declaration. Integration The reimbursement declaration is used in connection with the notification in advance> for educational leave.
- In order to run the reimbursement declarations successfully, wage type
hourly wage educational leave> (/006) must be known for the wholeschool year for every employee that took up educational leave.Therefore it is neccessary that the payroll has been run for the wholeschool year.
- On the selection screen, you have to select in which language the
report should run. This depends on whether the company is located inFlanders, Wallonnie or Brussels. You should pay close attention to theselection of the right language. When you have selected severalpersonal areas located in different communities, a warning will bedisplayed. In this case you should reduce the selection.
- The name of the contact person is defaulted from the user-ID. It is
assumed that the person who runs the declaration in fact is the contactperson for the government. However, since this is only a defaultvalue, it can easily be altered.
- The following data is also obligatory to run this declaration :
the employee's activity status in table Employee Group/Subgroup>(T503-ANSTA) the employee's last name, first name, date/place of birth and sex fromthe Personal Data> infotype (0002) the employee's address from infotype Addresses> (0006) the employee's maximum hours per week from the Contract Elements(B) > infotype (0109)Remark The declarations, as printed by this system, are created in compliancewith the specifications set by the government (Ministry of Work andEmployment, department educational leave).